The 64Pi by Retroflag allows anyone to build their own mini version of the classic console using a Raspberry Pi 5 and some simple steps, without requiring any 3D printing. The Raspberry Pi 5 is, of course, also capable of emulating many other consoles.

  • Retroflag’s Solution: No official N64 Classic Edition from Nintendo has materialized over the years. As a result, enthusiasts like Retoflag stepped in to offer a DIY solution through the 64Pi.

  • Build Process: The process involves installing a Raspberry Pi 5 board and downloading Batocera (an OS designed for emulators), which allows for an aesthetically pleasing UI with box art, gameplay footage, and custom bezels.

  • Affordability: Currently priced at $29.99 on Amazon, but the Raspberry Pi 5 has to be bought separatetly.

Community Perspective

In a recent video, Youtuber Madlittlepixel appreciated the tactile experience and direct connection with their game collection during their own build.

Do you like the idea of dressing up your RPi 5 as an N64 Mini?