paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome
If I can’t make my own neurotransmitters, store bought is fine.
I… I needed to read this exact sequence of words. Genuinely thank you.
started with 30 mg but now need 60 (sometimes 90 on bad days…) but I try my damndest to not take them unless I feel like I’m genuinely going to fuck shit up at work. Taking cold medication off label makes me feel guilty 😞
I also tried the 12 hour extended release (120 mg) but that fucked up my sleep which is already precarious
I fucking hate that half the days at work I’m constantly sniffing from the runny nose it induces. Makes me paranoid that my coworkers will think I’m hiding being sick (or worse, a coke habit…)
my Adderall script is in USA insurance purgatory and pseudoephedrine is probably the only thing keeping me employed tbh
Not sure how this would work with different time zones. Unlike the movie, things would be resetting mid-day for a majority of the world, rather than mid-sleep. Even in the time zone where it lines up with a majority of people’s sleep, those with non-traditional sleep cycles will have mid-“day” resets