… I …uh…
I dunno how you’d be able to actually accomplish that.
You could poo in multiple places over the course of a few days… but chances are the actual remnants of the sd card would come out in the same poo.
… I …uh…
I dunno how you’d be able to actually accomplish that.
You could poo in multiple places over the course of a few days… but chances are the actual remnants of the sd card would come out in the same poo.
Threadiverse is a terrible name, the most immediate word association is Threads, ostensibly a large corporate competitor, and the most immediate search result is a geeky/nerdy tshirt/merch company.
Better names?
Fuck uh… I dunno.
Lemmy and Friends
Reddit Asylum Seekers Club (RASCL?)
The front page of Web 4.0
Fediverse’s Fractious Forums
Smash it with a hammer for a minute or two, then microwave the chunks.
That’ll probably do the trick.
Alternatively, smash it, eat it, shit it out later at not where you live.
Reminder that TeamSpeak still exists.
Windows, Mac, Linux clients for TS6, Win, Mac, Lin, iOS, Android clients for TS3.
Mumble also still exists, less official support for mobile clients tho.
Its ‘Cyka’ (cyrillic) or ‘Suka’ in both Russian and Ukranian, right?
Star Citizen is certainly a gigantic ongoing delusion/scam of development hell…
But it doesn’t really meet the sort of ‘internal corporate contagion’ criteria, it won’t directly tank non Star Citizen teams or games.
While they have contracted out development work at various points… its not a giant conglomerate of different studios working on different projects.
If it finally liquidates and goes tits up, it only kills Star Citizen, and maybe Chris has to sell his yacht or w/e.
Star Citizen is its own special kind of nonsense.
Whether or not thats true, he came up with a damn good post hoc rationalization for it.
Since Ubisoft introduced us to the term AAAA game with Skull and Bones, my attempt at giving an actual, solid definition to differentiate a AAA game from a AAAA game has had this as a fundamental aspect:
The game gets stuck in development hell, analagous to a movie that keeps needing reshoots and rewrites, and ends up requiring so much money thrown at chasing the sunk cost fallacy that it negatively impacts not only its own development, but impacts the development of other games by the same studio/publisher, and/or the overall financial solvency / employment headcount of the overarching parent company.
Basically, what a AAAA game actually is, is analagous to a bank or large corporation that is Too Big To Fail… but video game companies largely are not going to be bailed out by the government.
So, by that metric, we’ve got:
Skull and Bones
Suicide Squad
If you go back further in gaming history, you could probably find more games that fit typical AAA criteria (Large-Huge numbers of actual developers, aiming at a high level of graphical fidelity, financed by a large corporate publisher that controls a plethora of studios, all these measured relative to the timeframe of development)…
… and then also hits the AAAA criteria, that the development drags on forever, a sunk cost fallacy mindset sets in amongst management, management then gets high on its own supply, and the game draws in so many manpower and financial resources that it endangers entire other projects and teams not directly connected to this particular game’s development if this Too Big To Fail game does actually fail.
Had Zelensky an unreasonably good grasp of American culture, he could have retorted with half the lyrics from Johnny Cash’s ‘The Man in Black.’
It was a protest song against the Vietnam War, the mistreatment of the poor and imprisoned.
Well, you wonder why
I always dress in black
Why you never see
Bright colors on my back
And why does my appearance
Seem to have a somber tone?
Well, there’s a reason for the things
That I have on
I wear the black in mournin’
For the lives that could have been
Each week we lose
A hundred fine young men
I wear it for another
Hundred thousand who have died
Believin’ that we all
Were on their side
Ah, I’d love to wear a rainbow
Every day
And tell the world
That everything’s okay
But I’ll try to carry off
A little darkness on my back
Till things are brighter
I’m the man in black
How do you think he does it?
I keep fucking forgetting 404 media is a legit news source and I’m not actually looking at a parody news/onion style community.
Currently, each generation of executives doesn’t come from within the company.
This in particular I find to be just the most astonishingly duplicitous, completely full of shit thing about American Tech Corps.
They are masters of lying to you and telling you that if you work hard, perform well, blah blah, you’ll adcance through the ranks.
All outward oriented ‘how to be a good employee’ type media propaganda says you need to be loyal and stop job hopping.
All these motherfuckers job hop all the fucking time and they know they do!
EDIT: After a decade in the tech industry, I got assaulted and just give off of disability now, basically in poverty.
There is literally no amount of money you could pay me (lets be real, promise to pay me and then not actually pay me that much) to get back into the tech industry.
My QoL is 100,000x improved not having to deal with the constant deceptive office politics, utterly incompetent managers and useless projects.
You’re 100% right about ‘what even is a career path’.
They don’t exist.
Barring super basic stuff like an A* or whatever to be a basic network techy, certs are required or desired certs are constantly changing, as are required skillsets and experience in general.
None of the HR people that write job descriptions have any clue what the words theyre using mean.
They kept inflating ‘required years working with X program or language’, and everyone just started lying on all their resumes.
The hiring process is a theatre of the absurd.
AirBnb has gone so hard into gentrifying areas that it is now literally genocide.
I tried telling people who were buying homes just to AirBnB them 15 years ago that what they were doing could only possibly lead to a massive rise of income disparity, and thus suffering.
The liberals would give some kind of self pitying, dodge response about how sad it is, but that’s the only way they can get ahead.
At least the conservatives were more straightforward: ‘Do you think I care?’
Landlord lives don’t matter.
This has always been the case, but in the US, basically no tech employers actually treat their junior employees as apprentices, they treat them as temporary contractors, and are thus unable to maintain any consistent kind of institutional knowledge, which then reinforces the loop of relying for contractors for everything a small level of hierarchical steps under C Suite.
Kinda sorta.
The actual accent itself doesn’t sound the same, but I think you’re getting at how it came to be.
The PNW dialect/accent is basically a subset of the Californian dialect/accent, with a few differences.
It arose as being very close to ‘General American’ because it was the last, or latest part of the US to be settled by significant numbers of English speakers, and is an amalgamation of the accents of English speakers from many different pre-exsting American dialect regions.
People from the PNW often do not even realize that they have an accent, as it is so close to a sort of normalized middle ground of other US American English accents.
TransAtlantic accent/dialect specifically arose because of the technology, as you say… and also I think a bit from social circles of basicslly upper class NorthEasterners who had enough money to regulalry interact with actual UK English speakers themselves, whereas PNW accent/dialect seems to not have arisen intentionally, and isn’t as strongly tied to the upper social class of the region.
Seattle and Portland’s first major population booms were the result of the Alaska goldrush near the end of the 1800’s, with basically lower class people coming from all across American (and other parts of the world) either using them as a last port to stock up and buy supplies before heading north, or setting up a business to sell those supplies to those people… and a whole lot of them returned to Seattle or Portland after the Alaska gold rush.
Well, that does count as a dialect, but I literally would not be able to comprehend it in person.
I have the PNW dialect, aka, the accent that is trained into every newcaster and hollywood actor, because basically every English speaker can understand it without difficulty.
The type O blood of English dialects, if you would.
The Internet really is basically a series of tubes.
They learned it from Microsoft.