This is about evening the playing field, making other mapping services having a less difficult way to compete
This is about evening the playing field, making other mapping services having a less difficult way to compete
Talk about hyperbole…
Google Maps is over!
No, the integration in the search results when searching the web might be gone, but you can still go to and find what you need.
This is not a significant shift with how we are interacting with Google, it is a minor change.
Calm down.
If I try to play mutiple at the same time I have found that when I alt+tab from one to the over, my progress in the first one grinds to a halt
None, there is no unbiased news source in existance.
That being said, I mainly use the government’s TV station’s (SVT) news feed and one of our major daily news papers (DN) feed to get a general idea of what is going on, they tend to be decently accurate.
I grew up with a cat, so that is a clear winner for me, I also like dogs, it is just something about most dogs enthusiasm and boundless energy that is fantastic.
I did horse back riding for a few years, and like horses as well, you just need to understand how to read their moods.
My favourite wild animal is the Lynx, though it’s tail is stupid.
If you have a free PCIE slot, you can just get a SATA controller card.
I see other’s talk about an m.2 -> SATA adapter, but I just don’t see the point if you have a free PCIE slot
DD is to my mind the best MK, though I have not played 8.
Tell me that the entity overseeing this infrastructure replied with “lol no”
That is idiotic.
VPNs absolutely have their places.
But if you don’t trust your ISP, why would you trust your VPN service with all your internet data?
This is why I boycott Logitech, they started pushing the Logitech Download Assistant through Windows Update as soon as you connect a Logitech mouse/keyboard.
It autoruns not only when it is first installed but on every startup.
It is rather annoying to try and uninstall it, I don’t get why there has been so little backlash against this…
Microsoft permitting this is devaluing Windows Update, the driver (.inf) should be installed automatically, any executable file that WU wants to download and run on your computer should just bring up a small Windows notification saying something like this:
The device you just installed requests to download and run the following program from Windows Update:
Logitech Download Assistant
Will you approve or reject this request? Approve/Reject
It is just terrible that this is permitted
Snapshot as in a VM?
Most people run their OS on physical hardware.
As an IT guy who has worked professionally as a Linux sysadmin.
While you are correct, the factor you are missing is time.
There have been countless times I have reinstalled Linux machines because it is faster than troubleshooting the issue
That is idiotic, there is absolutely a reason to reinstall in some cases
I don’t remember much about the Bioshock: Infinite soundtrack, apart from that it had a cool barbershop performance
I would suggest Bioshock 1 and 2.
Bioshock: Infinite is verry meh, and hops that it’s meh gameplay will be overlooked due to it’s story, but to me the story was just annoyingly confusing.
Damn, that is some amazing copium…
They had a well established place for the powerbutton, why change it?
As an IT guy, if I worked with Macs this would be terrible to work with
Wait, WHAT?
They put the powerbutton on the underside?
For fuck sake Apple…
Handbrake is what I have used for video conversion over the last decade.
It is free and open source.
My experience mostly comes from ripping DVDs which it does an excellent job of.
I see they reused the instructions for ed, great to see how intuitive Linux is between different programs
I agree, it is a slight annoyance, but that is all it is.