Is there any Android ROM that supports Wi-Fi audio streaming natively without root?
AirMusic is an app I’ve used for a few years to achieve this, and it supports a large number of protocols, including:
- AirPlay
- Sonos
- FireTV
- and more
However, without root, AirMusic relies on capturing audio from the screen recorder app and relaying it. It’s a clever workaround, but I find it frustrating that stock Android doesn’t simply support Wi-Fi audio at a system level. It shouldn’t be this hard.
I’m currently running GrapheneOS. Unfortunately, the native screen recording app in Graphene seems to block AirMusic’s ability to capture audio entirely, so I’ve lost the ability to stream audio.
Does anyone here know of a better solution?
Frankly, this seems like a feature that should’ve been native to stock Android 15+ years ago.
i’ve searched for that aswell and never found anything… only stuff like bubbleupnp that does the same trick with using screen recording to stream it…