Further, electronic hearing aids can butcher sound with a goal to produce understandable spoken word alone. Music can sound like garbage depending on how severe the hearing loss is in the person and what functional hearing remains.
Especially higher pitched sounds which in my experience is most default ring tones. My gramps can understand me, a dude, no problem when I talk but my younger female cousins start talking fast in high pitched voices, then 9 times put of 10 gramps’ response will be a polite smile and nod cuz he can’t understand a word the little shitbags are saying.
Hearing loss doesn’t necessarily mean that everything gets quieter. What it can mean is that you have a harder time differentiating between sounds.
I have tinnitus and struggle in loud places to focus on conversations because I just get an unfiltered mess and f noise hitting my brain.
It sucks, because I can hear a pin drop the rest of the time.
Further, electronic hearing aids can butcher sound with a goal to produce understandable spoken word alone. Music can sound like garbage depending on how severe the hearing loss is in the person and what functional hearing remains.
Especially higher pitched sounds which in my experience is most default ring tones. My gramps can understand me, a dude, no problem when I talk but my younger female cousins start talking fast in high pitched voices, then 9 times put of 10 gramps’ response will be a polite smile and nod cuz he can’t understand a word the little shitbags are saying.