3 minutes later
That’s incredibly awesome. What a fantastic way to end it!
Honestly i’m sure this is the best thing that could happen for the reddit execs in terms of user engagement. Writing “fuck spez” on reddit is like shouting “save the planet” from a cruise ship.
How much coordination did this take? You’re only able to do a certain about of pixels right? Or did it freefall at the last minute?
i had this question a couple of days ago and today fell totally down the fuck spez rabbithole.
found myself on the main discord where the coordinators were talking to uruguay about doing the “u” after columbia (?) declined. guess hearing that, both uruguay and equador wanted in.
there was discussion of not stepping over the swiss flag in one of the letter because they were part of the coalition.
these folks are dedicated - many commented they hadn’t really slept since it went live. kudos to all of them for the passion they showed today.
tbh it was impressive and one of the best executed operations i’ve seen in a long time. very fun to see up close.
working for a global multinational company i only wish we were this efficient internally ❤️
… And just like that, Reddit is down site-wide. Awfully convenient.