• SolaceFiend@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The anonymous fact-checking is the main thing PEOPLE took issue with. Like, oh I’m supposed to believe your anonymous fact-checkers know better than me or my trusted sources on what’s true/false, but you refuse to identify or provide the credentials of those fact-checkers, so their integrity and validity can be certified?

    But it’s not the anonymous strangers arbitrarily sifting the wheat from the chaff willy nilly, and with no evidence to support their claims, that were the problem /s. , The problem was CLEARLY the people who took issue with an anonymous rando who has the power to declare a reputable source of info is lying, can not be disputed on that front (even in the many instances of them being wrong), and whose credentials can not be verified but is still supposed to be arbitrarily accepted as the supreme arbiter of reality and fiction.

    Bought and paid for by a soulless corporation. I’ll take “extreme dought” for $500. I was more likely to believe in Santa Clause than an anonymous figure who had no credentials or checks and balances of any kind.