• NutinButNet@hilariouschaos.com
    2 months ago

    Recently I’d say. She had a lot of good qualities and we had good times, but we ended on a sour note when it became apparent to me that she was selfish and after she gaslit me.

    I had long been bothered by her practically ignoring me after the afternoon hours. I felt really alone most evenings and nights. I’d call her and she wouldn’t answer or text her and wouldn’t hear from her until the next day. I’m 99% sure she wasn’t cheating on me, but nevertheless, it still hurt to know she was often ignoring me.

    When I brought up how lonely I felt, her response was “it’s not my job (to make you not feel lonely)”. I didn’t realize it was…? That’s not at all what I was saying or trying to insinuate. I was trying to make her understand that she would tell me she would call me later that evening and never do so and I would make attempts to contact her and she wouldn’t respond. I felt alone and out of place.

    Then she said some stuff to her ex that made me feel uneasy but I simply asked her to elaborate a bit on what she said. This is when she gaslit me to turn the problem back on me and in my face, saying I was making the situation about myself.

    Then she spent the rest of the day enjoying herself and never once reaching out to me. It was highlighted more so on that day due to it being my dad’s 5th anniversary of him passing. But she didn’t know and I wasn’t holding that against her. It just so happened to coincide on this day and made me realize how selfish she usually was to me and how bothered it made me feel.

    And then funny enough was how she said to me “I reached out to you and I felt alone.” Huh…where have I heard that before? And that remark was made because I simply asked her to elaborate on the weird thing she said to her ex. Saying “a lot would have to change for us to get back together”. The fact you have conversations like this with your ex when we’re supposed to be together is wild on its own, but the fact you said that sounds weird for someone who’s supposed to be in a committed relationship. But I didn’t say that and I didn’t react negatively to it. I simply asked her to explain what she meant by saying that to her ex.

    And her response was to blow up on me for it and say I was making it all about myself 🤷‍♂️

    Oh well. Good riddance to that relationship. I’ve been single ever since but I’d rather be single and at peace than to be treated and talked to like that.

    It’s a shame and I sometimes miss her, but then I’m reminded of that and all the selfish ways she was with me and I’m happy to be single than to be there again.