I actually like the new name. It seems like when a community project renames it always is something even worse than the original name. This is a great name that doesn’t sound silly to say out loud.
I don’t really like the new name yet, but it’s a lot better than Minetest so I really can’t complain.
I like the meme.
I just wish they would merge the “truly infinite worlds” branch. The horizontal limits are to tight for this kind of game.
What a terrible name.
Oh thank god. Minetest was the worst name, and the game is actually pretty cool. It definitely deserves a cool name, and Luanti sounds cool.
Literally just yesterday my wife learned of Minetest’s existence and said it was a terrible name
Just tell her that you told them your wife didn’t like the name so they changed it.
this is ok. minetest was an awful name.
for those of you without the patience to read a blogpost, the new name’s actually a bit of wordplay.
“Luanti” is a wordplay on the Finnish word luonti (“creation”) and the programming language Minetest Luanti employs for games and mods, Lua. The goal was to avoid yet another plain English word (good luck finding something unique…) and highlight the core principles of the project. The fusion of celeron55’s Finnish nationality and the platform’s focus on content creation resulted in the birth of “Luanti”.
IMO, the worst thing about “Minetest” is that it sounded like it was just a test creation, a prototype or experiment. It’s certainly well beyond that now. The announcement introduction mentions people associate it with being a Minecraft clone or alpha release, but even further, to me the name initially gave me the impression it was [still] someone’s small hobby project. ‘Luanti’ is much better.
Tbh Luanti is a pretty clever wordplay
deleted by creator
Why isn’t this news? They are changing the name which is a big deal
Is this an out-of-season April Fools’ joke?
I’m sure it is
No, it is something that has been discussed for quite some time. No one could decide on a good name until now
One could argue they still haven’t
Since Minecraft blew up with 12 year olds using potatoe hardware I think the criteria required would be:
12 year old thinks name is great and can spell it
it can run on a potatoe
Who wants to volunteer to collect this data
Minetest doesn’t have to turn into Roblox, we already have OpenBlox for that purpose
Edit: person below is now accusing me of promoting crypto
Cool so, you linked to some git repositories that haven’t been updated in 4-5 years, and looking at their current website there seems to be some sort of crypto involved now.
Edit: I meant to say as well, that they appear to have closed their source, despite the “open” in the name.
They’re not to be confused, the lead dev’s (openblox.org) one was made on 2014 before some crypto dipshittos (openblox.IO) around 2018 took their name
Okay, but openblox.org doesn’t resolve a website at all, directing users instead to a domain registrar.
Lead dev no longer renews that domain for the site. Thats why the repo needs to be revived
Okay… So it sounds like a dead project to me? When Luanti seems to have a huge community around it already…
How are you guys pronouncing this?
Personally, I’ve found it sounds kind of nice when said like “Loon tea”.
It just looks like “Loo wan tee” to me.
Edit: Actually, just read the article, and considering the name Luanti is a mix between the Finnish word “creation” and the LUA programming language; and I’m preeetty sure LUA is pronounced “loo-wah” or “lew-ah”, I think the Luanti pronunciation is more likely to be “loo-wun-tee”.