That 300 char class name should tell anyone it is Java :')
I believe this is indicating that it’s using the Python syntax highlighting.
Which is still a failure, don’t get me wrong. But I don’t think that AI truly knows the difference between one language and another anyway
I’ve never felt that this AI Overview has been production ready, let alone deserving of the top of likely the most popular and high traffic page of the Internet
Yeah and this useless shit consumes sooo much energy. Like instead of an optimized and load balanced database, this is personal, for every user and query. Insane…
The “Python” thing is obviously wrong but this meme also exhibits an example of AI getting things wrong in a subtle, insidious way that you wouldn’t even notice unless you already knew: the Bean won’t actually be registered in the Spring container as the class is missing a @Configuration annotation
AIs make the same typos that humans do bc they were trained on human writing.
Garbage in garbage out