• hime0321@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    You are quite wrong. Most want enough money to be content in life. Billionaires want to sit on their dragon hoard of wealth, while shafting those on the bottom line. If you see no sides then you are very ignorant. And no difference between the homeless and billionaires. Yeah fucking right. Billionaires get to just buy companies because they can, spend shit loads on lobbying for things they want. All while homeless people are fucked in a hundred ways. Its disgusting how many anti-homeless measures are being made. Just another reason hoarding wealth fucks everyone over. Humans also rape, lie, steal, murder, etc… we work hard to jail and rehabilitate these people. So maybe we need to do it to the extremely wealth. Nobody wants to be fucked over, obviously. But that is what is happening. Again ignorance is bliss. Generations don’t exist, we just use it to generalize age groups. Classes don’t exist, yet we use them to describe wealth groups. Genders don’t exist, yet we use them to describe people. In every single case you can still be a traitor to something that groups you. I can be trans and say that all trans people (except me) are not valid, that would make me a traitor and a TERF. There are not always allegiances to ideas meant to group people. If you are not in the extremely wealthy class, then defending them is betraying what you are.