The base model or the AI Max Pro Plus model?
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The base model or the AI Max Pro Plus model?
I haven’t finished going through all of it yet, but it seems pretty extensive and inclusive. This is great!
I can’t remember the name… Mario? No, I don’t think that was it.
This is awesome! Can this be used with a bit-based CNC? If not, is there something like this for bit-based CNCs?
Knowing no one would read it, since they’re with family just trying to watch a lovely Christmas movie. Bastards.
Edit: autocorrect
Probably a catch-all for their next generation of Roku devices they’re developing.
I haven’t figured out how to fix it, yet. But I really don’t want to do a full reset for that. I hope it gets addressed in the next patch.
Exactly. You get it. They only do this to help us little folks out. It’s out of love and compassion, that they allow the corpos to sue the living shit out of everyone for no true good reason. It’s not out of greed. Why can’t we understand that?!
Corpos pay them for this service appreciate the justice served, and providing housing, food, and healthcare costs money, not makes money isn’t part of law enforcement’s job duties.
Oh good. I was hoping it was a “moving on” reason, as opposed to a catastrophic one. Thanks for settling my nerves lol
I didn’t see a reason. Did Tavi give one and I missed it?
So, they created an algorithm that will only reward clickbait and completely ignore honest titles and thumbnails, then complain about their platform being one giant clickbait? Huh…
Except for the people 🥲
Same issue here, since 15 upgrade. 7 Pro.
30 days is set by your company. Ours is set to 90 days. Stupid, on my opinion. If I recorded it, I obviously want to keep it. For this reason, I user OBS on my computer and record meetings through that. Bypass teams’s recording framework altogether.
For those wondering, SS7 is Signaling System No. 7.
Signaling System No. 7 is a set of telephony signaling protocols developed in the 1970s that is used to set up and tear down telephone calls on most parts of the global public switched telephone network.
Maybe it’s time to upgrade…
Edit: Latest version, 03/93, is from March 1993.
So, it’s win win. Good scenario.
Saw this on Sunday. I think it fits here…
Minus the Andy. So, just a dick.