There’s no source. It’s a personal anecdote. I’m not writing a scientific journal. From my perspective nobody talked about it until i was in my mid 40’s.
There’s no source. It’s a personal anecdote. I’m not writing a scientific journal. From my perspective nobody talked about it until i was in my mid 40’s.
Fibromyalgia has no specific test to confirm it. Being allergic to cigarette smoke is not a thing. Synesthesia became well known through social media a few years ago and suddenly was everywhere with no clinical diagnostic test.
They’re just conditions that people can say they have without proof. They come in waves.
“Neurodivergent” is the latest umbrella term for people to use when lying about themselves. Its too broad a term. It can apply to most people in some shape or form. It’s very easy to claim you are neurodivergent but that says very little about anything, including behavior.
It’s become the latest fad diagnosis - fibromyalgia, being allergic to smoke, and synestheisa. Look for something that nobody can prove you don’t have, and claim it as your own.
For useful discussion, you need to filter the term further. In this thread, there are people describing autism, personality disorders, etc. They are not all the same thing.
No…they’re much dirtier than that, apparently, although it’s difficult to know for sure. There are many results in Google if you look for methods, and sometimes people in the biz chime in with some good answers, but it’s still mostly speculation.
Yeah. “Reddit admin” is the 5th Cluster B personality disorder. Its like when you’re young and the guy in class with the most prominent Adam’s apple gets put in charge while the teacher takes a piss.
It’s because the phrase “neurodivergence” is an umbrella term. It’s all but useless in the context given. That’s a fact no matter how cool and breezy you are about people with disabilities.
I have an older brother with cerebral palsy - I know no other life than one that sympathizes with people with disabilities. I dedicated my life to helping children with disabilities. I have worked with children with cerebral palsy, autism, adhd, dyspraxia, downs syndrome, retts syndrome, ALS and many other conditions and brain injuries for a chunk of my life spanning over 20 years. I was treating them from before Ritalin was used to treat patients with ADHD (in England at least).
The term “neurodivergence” is not useful in the context it is used in here. Everyone is neurodivergent, and the terms popularity modern times has tweaked it to mean something else that is not clear. A social media “tag” used as an umbrella term is just that. It’s not a diagnosis or an excuse because it’s not one thing.
It is exactly like saying “i have fibromyalgia” - because that is also an umbrella term that leads to the question, “What does that mean in this context?”
The umbrella term “neurodivergence” includes both conditions that aren’t an excuse and are an excuse for behaving like an asshole. Anyone can claim they are neurodivergent because they are. Therefore some people will use the term as an excuse for behaving badly no matter what their quirks are.