this completely ignores larger traffic patterns like arterial roads.
with your idea you are guaranteed to get massive gridlock all along the major roads.
and biochemical assembly of proteins has just about nothing to do with either shop-floor-planning or traffic regulation.
what you are suggesting IS better than simple timers!
but it is NOT better than central coordination.
you are seriously underestimating the complexity of the problem, and your “all you need to do…” bs only shows how little you understand of the underlying issues.
do you really think nobody else has thought of what you’re proposing?
of course people have thought of this approach. it doesn’t work.
wow, no.
none of what you said is actually true.
seriously, if you make a claim contradicting both the very premise of the post, and common knowledge on the topic, then at least provide a source for that claim, lr explain WHY you think your claim is true.
“all the information is there” is not enough information to verify the claim; it’s a wild guess without evidence to back it up.
if shit where THAT simple, we’d have it figured out 50 years ago… it’s almost like this isn’t the simple problem you desperately want it to be…