•Sony finally surrenders: PSN accounts will be 'optional' for games on Steam, but they'll give you free stuff if you sign up
1 day agoAnd for how long will they be optional this time?
And for how long will they be optional this time?
And yet I somehow have a very nagging feeling that they screw it up somehow. Either some expansions missing, lincensed content packs (like the Ikea one) not available or some financial decision that will bleed any fan dry more than anything.
Let’s see when the “one account does all” model makes a return and becomes mandatory.
I give it until 2026.
I can confirm that it works nicely (well, as nicely as this game can work) on Linuxes. I use the DVD versions but if they run, I have no doubt Steam does.
Well, there’s also software on vinyl! I think Techmoan has something on that.