Yeah the amount of choices is overwhelming. Luckily desktop environment shouldn’t make or break the experience for anyone. KDE is kind of buggy, but there are so many customization choices. Ultimately I still ended up preferring cinnamon.
Yeah the amount of choices is overwhelming. Luckily desktop environment shouldn’t make or break the experience for anyone. KDE is kind of buggy, but there are so many customization choices. Ultimately I still ended up preferring cinnamon.
That’s fair. I feel like it’s well worth it, but I do get a kick out of bug fixing and tinkering too.
Amazon tried getting into game production as well and seems to have middling results at best. Having the financial backing is significant, but it doesn’t guarantee success.
I admit that I still make Steam purchases, but this has started to be in the back of my mind when doing so. It is still another company that sells stuff that the customer ends up not owning. With all that they’ve done for gaming on Linux and doing right by their customers so far, it’s just so hard to doubt them.
This is why people trying to pass this as a primary option baffle me a bit. dd is not that bad in isolation, but all of these little commands add up.
If we want Linux to be mainstream, we need to accept that most users aren’t going to be linux enthusiasts. They just want a PC that works normally.
They’ll never tell.
I think it’s about staying focused on what you’re doing. Pushing out irrelevant thoughts and focusing on what’s going on is a skill you can work on. In my mind, when something like that is making me giggle, the only thing that helps is not thinking about it. I’m bad at dealing with this too though.
Ah true. I guess there are quite a few industry specific ones.
I wonder if you could make it sass you every so often to complete the effect.
Fucking shutdown
Chill my man. I’m on it.
How many unix like operating systems are there? I thought it was just BSD and Linux. Then I heard about Plan 9. Now this. Next thing you know someone is going to find an operating system that is meant to run oil pumps or something and is going to install doom on it.
That’s cool. I may keep an eye out for old Kindles in thrift stores and whatnot. With the advent of android tablets that just have e paper displays, I probably will try those before buying another kindle.
When was that change? I feel like I had pulse audio issues years ago, but lately sound has mostly worked well. The only thing I was unable to do in Pop OS was switch between two different pairs of headphones.
Gotta distrohop more my dude. Reinstall your OS every week.
Trying to flash a new OS was a huge pain until I set up my PC next to the breaker though.
Isn’t windows more compatible with most games? Very few are Linux native, and most games require a bit of compatibility troubleshooting to get working properly in my experience.
I prefer to cut the power to my home, but that works too.
Some man pages have them. I agree that they should be more common though.
I am curious if anyone with some legal knowledge can weigh in. My messy google search only pointed to one federal law, the FTC act, that would allow the FTC to intervene if a website breaks its own privacy policy. Otherwise US privacy laws are industry specific. (E.g. there is a set of laws for healthcare related data, HIPAA. There are other ones for some financial institutions.) So on a federal level they would have the FTC to worry about, maybe.
What complicates this is that multiple states have their own data privacy laws, and I don’t know what a company based in one state with data from users in other states has to do.
I feel like consoles are targeted at a section of the population that doesn’t value freedom over how they use their hardware. Locked bootloaders on consoles are technically not good, but it’s almost like it’s part of what defines a game console. If it really valued the users freedom, it’d just be a PC. The steam deck and similar devices are changing that idea though.
This sounds like a problem with your organization. I use windows at the hospital where I work, and we don’t run into these kinds of issues. Yeah it is rife with other issues like goading you into using microsoft edge, one drive, and more, but updates are handled by IT.