Nokia is a mobile infrastructure giant. They are just mostly business to business, so like Texas Instruments they are rather easy to mistake for being small.
Nokia is a mobile infrastructure giant. They are just mostly business to business, so like Texas Instruments they are rather easy to mistake for being small.
An external cartridge processing and providing battery power seems like a much better idea than the current solution of wearing the computer on your face. A small shoulder strapped device weighing a few hundred grams with a headset with more of a BSB sort of profile would be ideal for me.
I’m glad to see Apple experimenting with some ideas like this, not so much because I want an Apple headset, but because if it turns out to be a popular idea others will jump on board.
It seems like it carries some of the same DNA as the recent Metro vr game based just on this review: repetitive corridor shooter with horror elements. I might pick it up after I finish up with Metro since I think horror is a genre that vr truly elevates - even if it is so damn stressful to actually play them haha.
If they don’t then they might lose the Brazilian market and who knows what comes after. It’s less about what Apple wants to do and more about what they might be forced to do.