I can appreciate your viewpoint here, but there are a lot of good people in this world that are married to absolute scumbags.
I can appreciate your viewpoint here, but there are a lot of good people in this world that are married to absolute scumbags.
Dude, thank you for this context. I was already aware of these considerations but just wanted to thank you for sharing this with everyone. Its participation like this that makes the internet a better place. 🍻
Art Of Rally!
What is the point? All this serves is to make any community you loose this on objectively worse.
This kind of “project” directly contributes to the degeneration of the internet. Please don’t do that.
I have to say that I absolutely love all of the nordic accents in English. Also, I find that nordic English speakers are the most comprehensible of all non-native speakers. Often y’all speak a cleaner and more beautiful sounding English than anything you’ll find in North America, especially in terms of vocabulary. It’s just so nice and flowery. Any time I hear a nordic accent the speaker immediately has my full attention. Lol
I lived in France for eight months a couple years back and yeah, it can be hard to understand when they speak English, but sometimes it can be captivating too. It really depends on the speaker.
I totally agree with you. I can’t read the article because it requires an account. What I’m concerned about is the highly likely anglo-centric nature of this tool; as in it likely only alters the Indian accent for the convenience of the english speaking customer and likely does nothing to facilitate the work for the employee whose first language is likely not english.
Also, white North Americans are already culturally sheltered enough as it is, last thing I think we need is automation that neutralizes manifestations of culture for the sake of convenient communication.
I think your though process is on the right track but it seems like you think you’re done evaluating things way too quickly.
Musk may not explicitly have the power to do anything, but as we know Trump doesn’t give a fuck about the rules and Musk is his right hand man.
I’d argue that Musk does indeed have the power by proxy to do whatever he wants. Billionaires are licking Trump’s boots the world over right now… Maybe keep that in mind moving forward.
If you ever want to try a privacy respecting alternative, look up FUTO Keyboard and their voice-to-text service.
I mean you’re not wrong about any of this, but I think the not so subtle racism in this AI tool is reprehensible.
This is an opportunity where if you’d used your brain you’d have come to a different conclusion.
You’re asleep at the wheel.
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Man I miss this era of the internet. It truly felt like a new frontier.
Try Grayjay. It supports background playback.
I’ve gotten a lot out of KDE, honestly. My desktop looks nothing like the default. Panel Colorizer is a great tool.
My experience of existence creates my reality. It stands to reason that its safe to assume that any other biological/living thing with a brain even remotely like mine should also be experiencing a similar form of reality. I’d define the shared experience of being a human on planet earth as a basis of reality. If I am in some sort of sandbox, it seems to me that would be unknowable to the same degree as being able to know what came before the big bang. Because I’m not a physicist, this question is meaningless to me.
The evolutionary process that governs humanity would be my measurement yardstick. AI as we know it cannot spontaneously arise in the universe without humanity as a catalyst. Carbon does not self-assemble into ChatGPT if you know what I mean. Carbon self-assembled into humanity that then assembled ChatGPT through technological advancement.
By that measure it is my opinion that ChatGPT cannot ever achieve consciousness as we know it as without humanity as a maintainer it collapses. Humanity is the consciousness and ChatGPT is a tool that it uses to perform tasks. Any semblance of consciousness is an illusion specifically designed to replicate the nuances of consciousness. Its meant to be human-like in its behaviour and as a result it easily blurs the line for some people.
I’m not a philosopher but this is how I think of it. I can relate to another human’s experiences. I can’t relate to a computer’s experiences. As a result, I don’t accept any argument in favor of AI consciousness and wouldn’t have any qualms on pulling the plug on an AI. Pulling the plug on a human is a completely different story.
No one is going to cry for ChatGPT if it ever dies and no one ever should. Its a tool and should be used as such. Trying to shoehorn consciousness into a computer is nothing but unfettered narcissistic ego-tripping if you ask me.
Game compatibility isn’t really an issue on Linux anymore thanks to Proton.
That’s a looooot of assumptions and stale assumptions at that.
Wouldn’t it be a distro if you package the end result and distribute it?
My sermon is my demolitiooooooon!
That price is insane when the Miyoo Mini+ is under $100 CAD.