I have an idea. Let’s stick all of the world’s billionaires into a submarine and see if lightning strikes twice.
I have an idea. Let’s stick all of the world’s billionaires into a submarine and see if lightning strikes twice.
I cancelled max because of all their cancellations/removals/price hikes. I would think every new show on that platform should expect to be cancelled.
Edit: I loved Avenue 5, I’m sure I would have loved this show too since Iannucci was involved. Hope he gets a success on another network.
The squirrels in my yard are awesome. There are black and grey ones and while drinking my morning coffee I was them playing and wrestling. I’m always finding holes in my yard from where they placed and acorn and dug it back up and I find that so goofy.
I was scratching my head, wondering why anyone would buy a 50 gallon drum not full of lube. Then you come and give us a brilliant reason. I’ll take two.
Combine the 2 and get a
Edit: wrong
All laws protecting the people’s interests are now banned. Don’t like it? Well become a billionaire and maybe the supreme Court will care
Blue lock is a popular soccer anime out now. And for gardening there is Chainsaw man
I’m going to jump right in here and say the only problem is with you. Sounds like your kid is really active and you refuse to try and get into his world. Try having a non-vebal autistic son to do things with. I dream to be in your situation, so get over whatever hangups you have with his interests and make a change with yourself. Watch anime, play CS, learn the guitar. You can fish later when he isn’t around anymore.
The anime fruits basket starts off with the daughter living in a tent in the forest, estranged from her family. Maybe you can move your son into a tent and he will get the irony.
CS is good but just have fun with it. So many player take it seriously so I goof it up a bit. And always be running and gunning. Those guys that crouch and aim are missing out.
The US media keeps trying to make it sound like this was a weakness of SK democracy. I see it as a strength that their laws to protect it work and they will use them. We just let insurrectionists run for president and if they win charges dropped.
Well they don’t need us anymore, I’m going back to reading books.
The US is set to unveil their high speed competitor soon with a train called the “American Superior.” It is stated to have a top speed of 80km/h and will launch on a single 10km track by the year 2083.
I’d rather have people migrate over organically. I think Reddit was spoiled for me when it went from a niche collection of interesting people and topics to Facebook in a forum format. Almost anytime I go on r/all now i couldn’t tell if the posts were recent or bot reposts from 5 years ago. The smaller subreddits still keep the spirit of the place going but the general community is just another social network.
People like it when you compliment them. So next time you are in a voice chat and your roommate is nearby, start talking about how handsome they are and how large their genitals are. They wont be bothered by your talking ever again.
Half Life 3 should be out any day now.
Looks like empanadas. They’ll even fold them the same way to indicate a specific filling.
Hey little one. I have to test your parents faith so here’s stage 4 leukemia.