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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Standing by “just in case” means you’re giving up your time, a normal sleep schedule, and aren’t at your own place or going out.

    Sometimes, having someone on standby is exactly what’s needed. And it’s good that they’re compensating you fairly for that time.

    You don’t want to be in the situation where you’re “officially” free and unpaid, but always have to be within 10 minutes of work and rush there whenever you get a call that can happen at any time.

    And besides, when it comes to emergencies, someone who just got rushed out of whatever they were doing isn’t the most helpful.

  • In most cases it’s a bad idea, yes.

    Also, have another look at that example code snippet though: that static variable is local to that function. It’s a weird feature in c.

    I’ve used it quite often in embedded code where a single variable was only for one function, and only for that one app/device. Wrapping it in a struct would’ve made the code needlessly more complex (that’s a code smell). And yet, these static locals are very easy to refactor to one local to a struct. May the situation change, that’s still an option.