Are you aware of one that takes place completely within fractions of a few select types? Usually they’re continuous.
I can think of some that are all integers, but I covered that in the edit.
Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.
Are you aware of one that takes place completely within fractions of a few select types? Usually they’re continuous.
I can think of some that are all integers, but I covered that in the edit.
You could choose a subset of fractions, though, and then round it to the nearest one. Maybe you could use powers of two as the denominator for easy hardware implementation. Oh wait, we’ve just reinvented floats.
Which they tend to do a lot. Like, the moment a square root or trig function shows up.
Even without it’s pretty easy to overflow a fraction stored the way you’re describing. x=1/(x*x+1) does it in log time. There’s really not a lot of situations where exact fractions work, but purely symbolic logic wouldn’t. Maybe none, IDK.
Edit: I mean, I guess it’s all symbolic. What I’m trying to say is that if you’re at a level of detail where you can keep track of the size of denominators, native support for a type that hides them is counterproductive. It’s better to lay out your program in such a way that you just use small integers, which is guaranteed to be possible in that case.
It’s Newsweek, but this does sound like a thing they’d do.
TBF they like that guy too. And the second guy didn’t suggest this - it’s all them and their weird homoerotic incel energy.
I eat a lot of granola, limited mostly by what my system can handle. Bread (wheat) is also pretty high up, probably followed by beans and meat substitutes.
There’s a lot of ideas that I agree with, but that are made into a religion. I think it’s because abstract ideals aren’t very motivating on their own.
Depends. Does propaganda have to be untrue or wrong in some way? If not, they’re definitely political messages that are widely displayed for persuasive purposes, which is the rest of the definition of propaganda. If so, propaganda is relative to what you believe anyway.
Most people never fully believe anything about the big picture, which is frustrating as hell in good(-ish) times, but in really bad times becomes a grain of hope.
We’ve been there. For decades. You know that, right?
Also, a lot of people that join fringe movements have a personality that craves conflict, and it becomes an outlet for it.
Non-carnism isn’t really so fringe anymore, but that’s pretty new, and may not have reached veganism specifically.
Eventually, maybe less aggro people will join and the cycle will break. Being ovo-lacto-veg is cool now. Or maybe not, because veganism isn’t based on ideas that modern people already agree with, but rather suggests a whole new system for how animals should be treated. Like, they’re against continuing to keep dogs as pets.
Yes, but imagine all the rage clicks!
He’s basically a professional media villain at this point. Not many people take him seriously, and I doubt the share among journalists is larger.
Guessing this is supposed to be a gotcha based on domain, but it’s not. They pretty openly teach people to read so they can read propaganda.
Of course, if you believe they’re Wakanda IRL maybe that’s just what they say to outsiders to keep them away.
It’s a weird place. From what I’ve heard, at this point it’s more like a giant plantation or a resource colony (with no foreign overlords) than a normal dictatorship. The three sectors of the economy are policing the common people, making stuff for export (often on the black market and often globally illegal stuff) and making nukes to protect from foreign adversaries. The money from exports goes to grain, and luxury items for a separate elite that doesn’t even like to stay in the country, let alone be part of it.
Probably got caught not believing all this stuff in private, and listening to k-pop or something. Off to war you go…
He also implied that being sent to Ukraine was punishment for something.
No way. You notice how he implies he broke the rules and is being punished for it? This was the diary for his commanders and/or military police to “secretly” read. Defectors pretty much give the same story - corruption and crime is ubiquitous, nobody follows the rules when they can’t be caught.
Human nature is pretty unremarkable for the most part, but one thing we have going for us is that the majority of people never buy the propaganda, regardless of what it is and where they are. You can see that in history, in modern authoritarian states, and even in the West about propaganda I personally agree with (save the planet! vaccines don’t cause autism! covid is real!).
High probability that he fully expected state security to look through it.
Sisyphus is the only Greek figure I can think of that’s not cringe to ascribe to yourself. And that’s only because nobody remembers the shit he did to get punished. The other tragic ones are either a humblebrag or concerning. Romulus and Remus are concerning. Enkidu is both, Gilgamesh is a straight up brag, as are the non-tragic Greek figures. All biblical prophets are (humble)brags. Norse gods are all brags, and saga heroes are mostly too obscure for me to know in detail.
I guess you could say Zacchaeus if you’re short, or Goliath if you’re really big. Oh wait, I guess going with physical things you could self-own with any monster.
So normal life, except all the non-human things become unchanging?
The economy is sure as hell going to be different in a hurry. Pretty much only service industries will survive, because anything else gets reset tomorrow. In a way this will be great, because people will be just as well supplied anyway, so it will give room to pursue personal development in earnest. Or maybe we’ll find a new way to fuck ourselves.