Yup. Most European countries barely use stop signs as opposed to the US.
Yup. Most European countries barely use stop signs as opposed to the US.
I beg to disagree. It’s a law of nature to assign index 0 to the 1st th… Wait a moment
How is your favourite language one that indexes arrays from 1??? You monster!
Wait until it learns that lanes can be turned into dedicated tram corridors.
Try it with Intel integrated graphics, sucker
What is the point? Reverse image search yields Taiga Aisaka (Toradora!), Cow Girl (Goblin Slayer), Astolfo (Fate).
Some people have torrents across various directories or even renamed files in them (yes, it’s possible and useful for crossseeding between trackers with different naming schemes). Of course, this makes migration way more difficult.
Is there an audio version other than TTS? I know Ed does podcasts but the newsletter isn’t one of them.
I hate how English overuses personal pronouns.
“Know your ABCs?”
Nyet. I refuse to take ownership of the modern Latin alphabet, which is used by billions of English speakers worldwide and with minor variations by over a hundred more languages. An ordering of its letters is a common good by and for the public domain. Its entire point is being standard so it would lose all value if there was “ABCs” of mine, yours or any other single person rather than “the ABCs”.
Feddit.org. Feddit.de has been dead for months
How is Signal not privacy-friendly? It’s the most private thing that can be called a “messenger app”.
You’re right, they got called out as a “honeypot” for basic KYC and not having E2EE (which you can’t with email AFAIK)
The only thing that turns people off is that they cooperate with governments. Well, if you’re using it for your business you shouldn’t worry about that unless it’s illegal business, at which point you have bigger problems
Even after they stopped producing phones, they could have made a killing licensing the patent to phone case manufacturers.
The article is absolute trash for not mentioning this. “Their iconic keyboards…” is the closest it gets to describing them.
Thankfully, there is a link to the patent at the end.
A keyboard comprising a plurality of transparent keys. In use, the keyboard is attached to a device such as a mobile device, to overlie a display screen of the device. One or more images displayed on the display screen are made visible to a user through the keys, which may be pressed by a user. User input is determined by identifying a pressed key, and the image or part thereof visible through the key when pressed.
Basically a detachable keyboard of transparent material as a display overlay, providing tactile feedback while the LCD allows for backlit and customizable key labels. I don’t remember seeing a practical implementation of this IRL or in media but I might be too young for that.
WebP can be either lossless or lossy. These two modes achieve objectively better compression than PNG or JPEG, respectively. Obviously, you need to pay attention to the settings to get the best file size for your use case.
This is a retro gaming community, what do you expect?
Anyway, logic level shifters are cheap and the NES is very well documented. The hardware supplier should have done their homework.
(Seems like the voltage is being reduced from 5V to 3.3V to power the cartridge chip but there is no level shifting on the data lines, causing excessive current to be supplied from the NES chips’ data pins. It us sunk into protection diodes in the cartridge’s chip as they are trying to pull the voltage to a little over 3.3 volts, raising its supply voltage. The NES works on a relatively low clock speed so maybe the issue can be mitigated by simply adding a resistor network to limit the current but at this point, a proper level shifter costs way less than the rework labor.)
Sanders does too