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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I agree with you when you say “it’s who you are”.

    Do you not see a situation where someone is born and believes themselves gay (the reasons why they would think this are numerous, almost as numerous as the countless reasons people think they are straight growing up) and then after living as a gay person they come to understand themselves better and recognise that they are actually fairly straight?

    I’m not saying that’s what’s going on here, it sounds very sad and basically someone just heading back to the closet to avoid shitty people and shitty society. But questioning someone who says they are straight, or gay or bi or enby or ace or whatever, is flawed. They may be lieing, they may be confused, hiding, virtue signalling. But you don’t get to call them bi just because they said and behaved as if they were gay and now say and behaving as if they are not. Someone who used to have sex and now says they are ace isn’t lying, or wrong or akchewally…

    I don’t want this to come off as hostile, I get why you are asking. It’s a complex topic and I might be wrong.

    I think I’m explaining myself alright, but I’m open to discussion

  • Very sadly, it was not. I’m not sure if it was my fault, the prep or what. I do eat all sorts of wild game that I’ve hunted or salvaged. I love squirrel and pigeon, I’ve eaten road kill deer, bear, moose, goose… Cotton tail and snowshoe hare… Wild Turkey… Basically if it’s made of meat I’ll give it a go. Still waiting to try raccoon and beaver, which I do wonder if they won’t share some similarities…

    But I found it very unpleasant. Raw the meat was so… gelatinous? Delicate? Like pressing with a finger would leave a sad dent. It spread out on the cutting board like gravity was too much for it.

    We did it as taco meat so I just threw it in the instant pot with onions and maybe some chili spices I can’t recall… it had that skunky gameyness that I’ve started to associate with older animals and poorly handled meat. She may have been a great Grammama but the meat was well cared for and eaten fresh.

    We shredded and ate it on tortillas with onions and homemade salsas. My sister and brother in law didn’t mind it and my partner said it was ok but I’ve sworn them off for now. They are very charming creatures so it’s not all bad.

  • A couple years ago I was out hunting with a friend and we saw a porcupine. My dad had always told me they were delicious and it was in season so I took my shot. Once we had the meat I thought I would take the hide home and harvest the quills.

    Good. Lord. Porcupines are filthy creatures. I had a Rubbermaid full of soapy water and I was pulling the quills and guard hairs out and then trying to wash them free of literal shit.

    But basically all I was doing was shit-needle acupuncture all over my hands. I was sure I was gonna end up with some sort of porcupine aids or something.

    I spent a good 3-4 hours trying to clean the largest of the quills and guard hairs, and then I said fuck it. Took my fistfull of “clean” quills and put the rest in a few old paper bags and into the green bin.

    I found quills in my clothes almost a year later. While visiting a friends house in jeans I had NOT been wearing, while out ice fishing (in the bibs I wore), in my sock one day.

    I’m sure there aren’t that many people on here that have been considering taking a porcupine and trying to weave/craft with its quills. But please, don’t do it.

  • I redid the bathroom when COVID hit (was walking around home Depot the day before the shut down frantically buying 3 of everything so I had a chance to do this without being able to make the customary mid-project visits)

    The toilet we got was not the one I wanted, it was 4 or 5 on our list of "toilets the Internet says are good " and boy howdy the Internet was wrong. This toilet wouldn’t flush piss. I’m not kidding I didn’t notice at first but a couple days into “man this toilet didn’t like to flush our shits, they must be mighty” I had a pee that was dark enough that once I flushed I read like “wtf”. 3 flushes for the water to be “clear” as I could tell.

    This isn’t a 2 button eco toilet.

    I ended up finding a guy online who had extended the tube inside the tank to be just shy of the rim, thus allowing the tank to fill up more and more water to be sent down with each flush. Whatever eco feature it had in sure it’s now among the worst water waster in town.

    And it’s still a terrible toilet. It has some sort of extra funnel port in the front that I guess some of the water flushes through to help direct the shit and water down the pipes. But it gets dirty and is unreachable with every toilet brush I’ve tried, and not visible even if you jam your head down as close to the water as you can and look back. This means that the flush stops working and then I have to go in with disposable chop sticks and chip away and the shit fossils blindly until the port is clear again.

    Yes I tried soaking with green goblin and leaving the blue duck to soak, still need to physically mine the area clear…

  • I must say I e never played Skyrim, and I didn’t know how beautiful it could be. I might have to have a closer look.

    I play a game called “The Long Dark”, and the first screenshot with the aurora made me do a double take. In that game you are alone in a northern Canadian region that has been abandoned both due to economics as well as some in game magic that makes electricity not work. The survival mode is just “live as long as you can, then die.” It’s permadeath and can be incredibly frustrating and cruel, but the beauty in that game is unreal. I’ve ended a 6 day run (nothing to me now, but a big acheivement at the time) because I was watching the Aurora on a clear winter night. The music was somber and I thought I might freeze to death as I crossed this long rope bridge. I should have been looking at the bridge, because staring up into the sky I suddenly was getting further away from it … It was maybe a 3 second fall as I realized I either walked off the bridge or maybe there was a gap or something.

    “You have faded into the long dark.” -wasn’t even mad.

  • Ok, so you claim you think you are autistic. That’s fair, reading posts can be as hard as being in a room with unfamiliar people who have inside jokes or use sarcasm alot.

    So perhaps then you should listen to what everyone here is telling you: boosting and account sharing is a form of cheating, recognised by the platforms he runs those games on. Elon did that, denied he was doing it. And got caught.

    Elon cheated.

    No Elon didn’t cheat by using the Konami code or downloading an aim not or mod or anything like that. He cheated by boosting and account sharing.

    You are getting down votes for two reasons here: you are wrong (he did cheat, it’s how that you seem worried about) and you are defending one of the shittiest people to currently exist on the planet.

    Those are the facts. Hope that helps.

  • Went looking for Reply All. I found that podcast as my “first” podcast, I’d never gotten into any before. Listened from episode one every day for weeks, and suddenly… They were announcing they were ending… I hadn’t realized they had ended…

    Because they hadn’t yet. I somehow timed my listening of the whole show such that I heard the second or third last episode (where they first announced the ending) on the day it was put out… So I had to wait a week each for the last 2 episodes…

    Great variety of content, despite the tagline…