• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • It’s as if two completely different studios made these games, and the one behind Syndicate had no idea what made Unity great.

    Funny you say that. Unity was developed by Ubisoft Montreal, the primary Ubisoft studio who are responsible for much of the good work they’ve done (think Splinter Cell, Far Cry and AC: Black Flag). Syndicate was developed by Ubisoft Quebec, and it was also that developer’s first AC game.

  • I’ve heard such disparate opinions of WotR, I’m very interested to see what I feel about it whenever I get to it. I played Kingmaker over Christmas and while I really enjoyed parts of it I was also endlessly frustrated about many things. And some things I’ve heard make me anxious about the sequel too. I’m also very concerned about the scale and scope - I enjoyed the more grounded narrative and setting of KM and worry I’ll have trouble getting onboard with being a Chosen One and battling gods and other epic narratives and whatnot.

  • I saw Skald: Against the Black Priory was 40% off and I’ve had my eyes on it for a while, so I just went for it. Have played about 6 hours now and I’m loving it. The only thing I’m unsure of is replayability as it’s feeling fairly linear and with only marginal decision making, but otherwise it’s been really cool. You get the old school late 80s/early 90s RPG look but with a less clunky feel. It doesn’t have the most beautiful sprite work, but I really like the art for the splash screens. The music is great and nostalgic and the display settings emulating period monitors via filters was a lovely touch.

    The writing feels solid and the atmosphere of gloomy hopelessness and cosmic horror really works for me. Combat has felt fun enough - though fairly simple - and I don’t think the game is long enough that it will become a problem.

    Looking forward to seeing how it ends, but from what I’ve seen so far I’d recommend it to almost anyone. It’s not that expensive either, even at full price.

  • It might well be a me-problem. I had the same issue with Sleeping Dogs that I just finished last week. So I might just have a fundamental problem with the type of gameplay design these kinds of games go for and the fundamental ludonarrative dissonance you have to be able to look past to enjoy them. I just have a hard time squaring off war crime levels of mass murder as “getting into a little too much trouble”. Killing a lawman or two as things get out of hand in Valentine? That’s getting into a bit too much trouble. But Arthur Morgan literally kills hundreds upon hundreds of people and that just breaks my immersion.

  • I’m going to be a little left-field with this one. Yes you could pick some boring obvious answer like Pong, Doom or Minecraft and that’s perfectly valid. I’m not saying those are incorrect.

    I’m going to go with FarmVille though. It’s really hard to overstate the impact it has had on the gaming landscape (for the worst, if it needed spelling out). It popularised an all new approach to monetisation and retention systems in games, it heralded the proliferation of microtransactions, Games-As-A-Service models and manipulative skinner boxes designed to extract the most money and attention out of you. It opened the door - by being a “social game not just for gamers” - to an entirely new market whose wallets were previously unavailable. It created this malicious new insight that the best way to make money is not to just make a good game and sell it - it is to create an addiction through psychologically manipulative means, then slowly leech their users’ wallets over time.

    FarmVille really fucked us over.

  • Are the two DLCs not included and integrated into Mankind Divided? That’s a shame. The DLC for Human Revolution was seamless and maybe the best part of the game (excluding the “you lose all your gear and skills” gimmick that I’m quite fed up with). It’s a shame about the ending of MD though, I hear the game feels like basically 2/3 of a great game and then just ends in a cliffhanger, which hurts knowing it never got continued.

    Sounds fine for Infinite. I loved Bioshock one, and I think it’s one of the best games of all time. Bioshock 2 is like an 8/10, it’s essentially just “more Bioshock” but with a worse story. I’d rather they try something different with Infinite than another runback.

    Yeah I suspected as much for the old games. Kiwami -> Kiwami 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0 -> 6 is what I was planning on doing, and so it seems I was on the right track. I have heard there is technically some extra content in Kiwami 1&2 you’d only appreciate if you’d already played some of the other games, but I’m not sure it’s worth hunting down and suffering through the original Yakuza 1&2 for those tidbits. Plus it seems awkward to fit in progression wise since you’re replaying the story of 1 and 2… Do you play 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 0 -> 6 -> Kiwami -> Kiwami 2 then? Or save 6 for last? And it seems like a lot of effort for marginal gains.