Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
Proxmox is a great starting point for self hosting. You don’t need advanced features to start, and you can easily create VMs and containers.
That’s such a dumb take. Yes I can be fucking mad how that money is made.
I will wait to buy it a few years after release. Not getting burned this time around.
Crazy that they got 116 millions for that.
Steam is selling lootbox and profiting from cs skins gambling. Pretty fucking scummy.
You can’t become a billionaire ethically. Steam has a pretty big market for lootboxes and cs skins gambling is pretty widespread.
Valve isn’t a walled garden. They allow other apps to be launched through their app and devs can sell steams key on other platforms.
It is still a mega corp, but trying to attack it from the walled garden angle is pretty dumb.
Because nobody enforces the law. There are so many mega corpos that needs to be broken up, but it doesn’t happen.
My psychotherapist often say to me (paraphrased) : What is worth doing is worth being done badly.
A thing done imperfectly is better than doing nothing at all.
I agree with you that Linux has issues, but so does Windows and MacOS.
My point is that we usually use the same OS for years, so switching to any other OS will have its quirks. You don’t really see your OS quirks anymore because you’ve learned to work around through experience.
Every OS has their issues though. You take people that have decades of experience in an OS and ask them to change to a different workflow. So yeah, they won’t be proficient the second they load Linux.
You can create a infinite number of scenarios where there are issues with Linux, but the same can be done about Windows and MacOS
I was thinking the same, where?
You are right, my definition of job is wrong.
You can share my tinfoil if you’d like. I got enough for both of us.
That’s the best no context quote of the year so far.
If they change course in the next 5 years, so be it. But right now, Jeep took some dev time to develop this, meaning they plan to use it at some point.
They deserve to lose the trust of the consumer because they gave us a peek behind the curtain and it fucking sucks.
Stop being pro-corpo, they are not your friend and they will piss on your corpse if that means they get a dollar more.
I love how that saying this is a software glitch is somehow supposed to make it okay? Motherfuckers, you took time and money to develop the thing. In doesn’t matter that it wasn’t supposed to be deployed right now. It matters that it was developed at all.
This is my tinfoil opinion, but I wouldn’t be surprised that it was done on purpose to gauge the public reaction and setting the pace of rollout.
The timing is too perfect knowing damn well that Republicans won’t legislate that.
Humans find jobs for themselves and their community all the time, but not fucking bullshit jobs like data entry technician or call center technician.
I fucking hate cleaning, but I will happily help a friend or family member clean their house or their apartment because we thrive in a community.
Not getting the humanity squeezed out of us for a few cents more.
There is a lot of accessible distros, but the issue is that people have been using an OS for so long that it is hard to switch and relearn a new workflow.
Asking for everything to be done for you is just asking for another bloatware/spyware OS (see how Ubuntu is slowly going that way for example).
Unless you have a tool that you can’t live without, bite the bullet and make the jump. It will suck for a 2-3 weeks, but it is worth it.
I split my docker containers so that I can selectively backup what I want easily on proxmox
For example, I am currently running an Abiotic Factor server that I don’t care to backup. So I just dont add the container to the backups and I am done.