Roscoe is one of my professors at ETH, and he gave a keynote at VISCon a few months ago where he discussed this stuff and what his department is working on. Apparently a lot of their (they being the systems department at ETH) current work is related to formally modeling which parts of a system have access to what other parts, and then figuring out which of those permissions are actually needed and then deriving the strictest possible MPU configuration while still having a working system. The advantage of this approach over an entirely new kernel is that, well, it doesn’t require an entirely new kernel, but can be built into an existing system, while still allowing them to basically eliminate the entire class of vulnerabilities they’re targeting.
I’ve got an old HP laptop which I’ve been running a Jenkins server on for years. The fan died back in like 2018, and I just kept putting off buying a replacement, so it has been running with no fan for 7 years now. Remarkably it still works fine, although a but slower than it used to thanks to thermal throttling :P