

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think the point of it is more to explain to people who think the spectrum means this side is NT and this side is “severe” autism, and the spectrum is anything in between. For a while I thought this was what it meant too.

    So I like that this explains to people who think that, that the spectrum doesn’t work that way.

    I think of the spectrum more as a circular rainbow, and you can occupy a bit from this side, maybe a larger segment from that part, maybe a bit more over there.

    Maybe defining the autism spectrum is as complex as defining a neurotypical spectrum 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • She said she got tested and she wasn’t (she said she has an ADHD diagnosis).

    It’s not so much whether she’s ND, it was the way she invalidated the autistic community’s struggles with that dumb take. You can’t bully people and then try to excuse it by saying, we’re all on the spectrum, I was just playing.

    Relevant part at 16mins.

    B**** literally traumatises people by forcing their phobia on them, humiliates people on air, forces people to disclose pregnancies, and that’s just the stuff we’ve seen in public. That’s not autism, that’s sadism. No contrition, no admission that she was in the wrong. And her trying to get an autism diagnosis to excuse that really ticks me off.

  • Gosh, yes, it’s annoying. I’d be constantly getting people telling me to cheer up. Once a lady on the bus to school gave me a looooong pep talk about how I’m so pretty and if anyone picks on me it’s because they’re jealous, and I was like, whaaa? I can only assume I looked really sad, but I was probably just thinking about a video game or Formula 1 😅

    As I got older, my resting sad face turned to resting angry face. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Also I have to say, strangers telling you to cheer up can just eff right off, especially when they follow it up with “it’s not that bad”. They can naff right off with that, how presumptive to think they know what’s going on in my life.