If you were charged based on sobriety tests and the arresting officer only cited your inability to walk and balance and there was no blood or breath analysis, you would have a solid chance with a competent lawyer.
If you were charged based on sobriety tests and the arresting officer only cited your inability to walk and balance and there was no blood or breath analysis, you would have a solid chance with a competent lawyer.
Would you want to live in a neighborhood filled with people who have nothing better to do than look at what everybody else is doing and judge or complain?
Society often self-corrects imaginary problems and is usually done with exceptions to the rules.
Kill Tony, sometimes the jokes are good and the interviews can be good when they aren’t.
Anthony Jeselnek, if you like dark humor.
Older Amy Schumer, if you like dark humor, newer Amy Schumer if you have a liberal arts sense of humor.
Kam Patterson, if you like black humor, rocks, and hood shit
Randy Feltface, if you like puppet humor and Australian accents.
Jeff Dunham, if you like puppet humor and stereotypes.
Casey Rocket, if you like stupid irreverent brilliant insanity.
Bo Burnham, if you like brilliant poignant commentary of a jester mocking himself and society.
Theo Von, if you like redneck humor.
Ron White, if you like alcoholic redneck humor.
Refreshing flavored tv static in a can.
Windows hasn’t added any features of value since Windows 7.
AI has a legitimate use in helping people of various disabilities and I truly hope AI allows anyone with a disability to benefit, but I don’t want to have to endure AI being shoehorned into every aspect of my life without consent for the disabled to see those benefits.