I loved this game. Puzzles that I felt I needed to understand the plot and culture to solve, made the world so much more alive.
I loved this game. Puzzles that I felt I needed to understand the plot and culture to solve, made the world so much more alive.
“We didn’t use to have mental issues back then. We had a lot of people drinking themselves to death and stuff but I fail to see any relation here.”
You think Humans aren’t pumping out 100% derivative works all the time?
Don’t worry. I don’t think that.
A big hope I have for AI is that 100% derivative work by humans is now easier to call out. If a rock with a 9V battery could produce it, why should we value it?
Randomness can give novel combinations, sure, but we shouldn’t call than an original idea.
As for the various ways humans come up with original ideas, they are based on a level of reflection, reasoning and thought processing. We know that’s not possible for an LLM: while they are complex in their details, the way they work is very well defined. They imitate.
This concerns me:
stories of 100,000+ words from a single prompt
An LLM excels at making passable derivative work. It does not, by definition, come up with original ideas.
What are you going to do with 100,000+ words of 100% derivative writing where anything potentially original can be summed up in a prompt of a few dozen words?
Will this be published or sold somewhere? Undercutting or crowding out original works?
Thanks. It’s the same in Norway: Wolves are hunted to technically-barely-not-extinction by some sources, and culled to “good for the wolves” numbers by other sources. Frustrating.
Can you link some? I tried looking at mainstream Swedish news sources and they have matching numbers. E.g: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/orebro/kritik-mot-licensjakten-pa-varg
Seasons of Bergen, Norway:
December - February: Cold and dark and wet season. Stock up on antidepressants, good food, “Hygge”-paraphenelia, asthma medication and remain indoors.
March - mid-July: Cold and green season.
Mid-July: Summer!!!
Mid-July - August: “pretend it is still summer”-season. Yes, we can grill and drink beer in the garden dammit just put on an extra jacket.
September: Wet and windy season.
October - November: Soggy cold season. Shoes and jackets go to the Drying Rack, not on the regular rack.
addenum: june-august is also barely-nighttime season. Sun “goes down” at 22:00 and remains barely under the horizon until 04:00 so the sky just stays bright. Good luck explaining to your toddler that it is night and time to sleep.
It is a prompt meaning “if you have something you want to bring up, or that is important for me to know interacting with you, now is a good time. I have made a space in the conversation for exactly that and I am listening”.
So basically “nothing special” or “not much” is the correct response unless you actually are waiting to bring something up.
Continue with “…and you?” or “how about you?” is polite and invites them to also share anything relevant without worrying about “intruding” on your thoughts.
Caveat: Of course some people will say it as an empty greeting and not listen to a response. They are doing it wrong. If you respond with something and they are confused by that, it’s them being socially inept and not you.
Easy: purge the oppressed!
The notion of “state” differs wildly across people, so that probably adds to the confusion.
The core concept is that ownership of a thing belongs to the people of the thing. This is where it clashes with feudalism and capitalism, where ownership of e.g. a farm is not held by the farm workers.
The organizational unit is “group of people cooperating”, or a “commune”. This can be small, like a hippie farm, or it can be big - a traditional state.
A democratic state can be communist if it forbids private ownership of common resources. I.e. your house is your house and your car is your car but some rich fuck can’t decide to build a fence around the local hiking trail.
An authoritarian state may technically be communist if it is strongly democratic. That is theoretical. The ones currently claiming communism are dictatorships.
Yeah, it’s clear some of the angriest critics completely missed that. :D
Not bad. Most reliable critics point out it’s solid, with some flaws in dialogue and drag in the combat system. Inter-person relationship building in the expanded cast seems to be a strong part. My personal category of the game is “it has a punk soul”, which I tend to value higher than any flaws a thing may have.
It is also very much a deliberate “Fuck you! Fight me!” entry in the culture war, so the reactionary responses are correspondingly strong and angry.
Sorry to hear that. Sounds awful.
But yes, am aware. I understood the scenario as detaining cognizant patients.
What is the premise? Most countries, US included, does not grant doctors, nurses or any medical professionals or staff the power to hold people against their will.
say you force a cognizant patient to stay at your unit
This is not remotely allowed
When projecting a movie, presentation or whatever onto a canvas, anything you see as black (text, etc) is just the pure plain white without light shining on it.
Turn the projector off and the parts that looked black a second ago now look chalk white with no changes done to that part.
mi mlatu cimle