Not too late. Depending on your stance with Meta though.
Not too late. Depending on your stance with Meta though.
Get an Xbox PC app for Steam Deck then, Microsoft.
Killzone 3 spent too much R&D on PS Move for costs to be recouped
Cold War had an absolutely banging Campaign… especially with multiple endings
How eXciting
GeForce Experience app is dead thank goodness with no account or sign in required anymore.
Good fucking riddance
Too bad FSR will be AMD hardware exclusive from here on out
FF VII rebirth will require an RTX 20
but I think that’s down to lack of optimization
Please don’t waste your time or money friend. What you are seeking you will not find
Hey look it’s Skull and Bones /s
Sounds like “burdensome regulation” to me.
I’m shocked they’re releasing a new console TBH with the spin campaign of “this is an Xbox” and releasing once exclusives on competing platforms
I mean you can’t run DLSS on AMD so they’re returning the favor, sadly
Oof. Looking at the WordPress it’s almost a time capsule. They got viral with this one and thought they could make it a full business by depreciating the WordPress domain and going to a .com site. The site is now dead.
It was cropped and this is being passed off as new content
And welcome to the JAM
Not watching self promotion here…(Maybe that’s why you were ratio’d?) But I will say that too much fan service in a show can be distracting especially when a show is trying to be emotional or make a statement. It pulls me out of it a little bit. I liked Alya Speaks in Russian but the weird part with the hypnosis and stripping just was a little jarring especially with the subject matter from the other episodes. If you’re going to do fan service in a show like that it needs to be subtle like in Frienren or go all out like what Konosuba or “The Legendary Hero is Dead” did.
Your anger bait generalization title, “click me to see if I’m wrong”, with “everybody” is very likely the reason why you’re getting down voted into oblivion.
I have epic only on my steam deck and refuse to install it on my main pc
“STRIKE THE TARGETS ONE AND ALL!..and watch for a pattern on mudball wall”
I had a demo with this stage
Or in perfect dark when the camspy didn’t work with a black screen thus being hard locked out of the game pretty early in