learn java, way more material for that, but conceptionally very similar to c#. I suggest a book like “Head first Java”.
after that c# will be much easier to grasp.
learn java, way more material for that, but conceptionally very similar to c#. I suggest a book like “Head first Java”.
after that c# will be much easier to grasp.
i mean: provide a link to the repo in your posts body, do not just link to your blog ;)
it would be a good start to include a link to a git repo in your posts, when you share your blog posts.
if your code is hosted somewhere where you can create issues and tag them, create issues and tag them as “contribution welcome” or “good first issue”.
github is probably the best plattform to get contributions, simply because it’s the biggest and so many people already have an account there.
but complex reworks or new features are probably nothing a random contributor will provide, but you or close collaborators.
no, i don’t think there is a big difference in ‘difficulty’ between both languages.
there is just more material for java, and as i said the languages are very similar, so learing to program in java wont be a waste of time if you plan to only use c# after that, because the concepts you learned a long the way will easily carry over.