I work Logisitcs Management and manage 200+ drivers for last-mile deliveries for a large company. I don’t like the company but I take pride in my work and the projects that I manage, but I’m using it as a stepping-stone for something better in the future
They’re not justifying racism, they’re explaing how the US has gotten to where it is today and why people act as they do. The culture here regarding it is different compared to most parts of Europe, and people generally are trying very much to combat these issues. But as this is a deeply cultural and historical undertaking in the US, a lot of change - cultural, political, or otherwise - will happen very slowly and will not always appear progressive. Despite recent events, the US has generally - though not always - been making small steps in the right direction here. Seit du Deutsch bist, weißt du, Fortschritt ist kompliziert.