Me on a RPi4.
I have no sympathy for GAFAM, nor for Mozilla.
Me on a RPi4.
The addition of an option is a good reminder for you to talk about your book. Fine. GBoard is still king for those of us who use 3 languages at the same time. Unrequested suggestions and virtus signaling are sooo annoying…
More than 2 years with my personal domain and I can’t remember a single spam email… But you do you.
A catch-all domain address with whois privacy and hosted elsewhere helps a lot.
Couldn’t care less. I don’t use FB or Instagram.
If needed, I’d pay for debrid/vpn much more than I’d pay for some ‘legit’ streaming service, just out of spite.
There is nothing to justify.
I pirate because I want to see the world burn, among other things.
I know it’s /s, but if it worked for you, cool.
I still can’t get why people should downvote your comment, but fine.
There is no irony. Like, at all. Ironically Firefox is de facto controlled by the evil Google, the very evil Google which pays a huge share of Mozilla’s bills. Also, MV3 is a non-issue for in-built adblockers, as these are not extensions. You people often (and conveniently) seem to forget this detail.
Same. I use what works better for me. That’s all.
Just disable votes on your profile. People sometimes can’t accept someone not being part of the herd. Which is something really funny, as Linux is (or should be) freedom of choice first of all.
Tell that to Mozilla.
I uninstall Firefox and install Brave and Chromium.
Apple? LOL, the shit made into OS. I prefer Windows a million times. (I user Arch, BTW).
Give 2 millions bonus to that CEO!
Again, you do you.