Safe at any speed!
Safe at any speed!
iPhones use m4a these days for their native music app.
I would not even be confident that the disc would be readable in 50 years’ time except by certain archivists or hobbyists.
There are so many hours of music people wrote on Amigas or Atari STs that are just floating around out there on floppy discs that are still readable, but only by a very small number of people, so they will never be heard again, and it’s been only 30 years.
Another example- right now I have family movies my parents took back in the 60s on Super-8 films. Super-8 isn’t exactly impossible to play, but why would I get a Super-8 projector and a screen just to watch those even though they’re watchable? That would be both cost- and space-prohibitive. Thankfully, I had them digitized a long time ago.
Yes. A rude joke.
Many people responded with helpful advice. You decided to add rudeness to that. Why?
They abandon me regardless, but I did get a decent 15 years of a standup career out of it.
Yeah, us “normies” prefer to go to places that don’t ban you for not passing their purity test.
When people were hunter-gatherers and the world’s population was about 100,000 humans in total?
I wasn’t talking about non-human primates in the first place, but I do not disagree with you.
Thank you for recognizing I couldn’t tell something and pointing me in the right direction. You would make a good bonobo.
Chimpanzees and bonobos are separate species. Your boss cannot help you. You’re on your own.
Not the ones who use sign language, apparently.
Or at least they can’t tell you anything.
If I’m choking, I can sure tell people about it despite being unable to speak.
We just emigrated to the UK and my daughter is having trouble finding friends… she finally met a kid her age and the kid told her that the N-word isn’t offensive in the UK.
Fucking what? (Yes, I know it is just as offensive here.)
And we lived in Indiana, the Middle Finger of the South, where the KKK was re-formed in the 1920s.
So now she has to start all over again finding friends. She was pretty upset and I don’t blame her.
What’s really fun is that “gypsys” can refer to two entirely different groups of people, both hated out of pure bigotry.
I caught the irony of that too and it hurts.
Absolutely nothing.
This is the 1958 Hong Kong Cha Cha champion.
You might know him by the name Bruce Lee.
It’s from the 1982 film Airplane 2: the Sequel. Nowhere near as funny as the original, but still very funny.