Took me three tries to figure out what was happening, then I was sad.
Took me three tries to figure out what was happening, then I was sad.
I don’t know how it’s done, but I know images can be inserted. On the plus side, posts, including titles, can be edited, so any failed image attempts can be removed. This post was already enjoyable, but I’m interested in seeing how much more enjoyable it could be.
I don’t know about this, but nanosilver fluoride seems to be pretty effective and non staining.
Here’s a bit of a non-standard link with some information.
“You’re given a money printing machine. What do you do?” “Uh, print some really cool art?”
It’s surprising how well the Steam Deck plays new games and how much support has been added to older games for something with a form factor similar to the Switch and a price point that is lower than most computers or consoles with similar capabilities. It’s a big change to the cost/benefit calculation.
Well, there were a lot of fundamental steps that had to be completed first, not least of which was a high pressure vessel. This all took a lot of materials science, advancement in seemingly unrelated fields, etc., etc. Not unlike fusion technology… The difference is we have 2000 years more advancement than they had when they invented the steam engine.
It was about 1800 years between the first steam engine and a practical steam engine. I’m sorry that one or two generations is too long for you.
It’s a sandbox survival game. So, the first step is to survive to the point where you can start making choices, the next step is to figure out what you want your goals to be. Then, the hard part. How will you achieve those goals?
Ah, so you’re edit in the original post was justified because they started it. Is that how morality works? They started the mud slinging, so it’s okay now?
I did read your posts, and commented on others, and I agree with your stance. I’m pretty sure JFK did, to. It’s basically the corollary of, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution impossible.” So what peaceful solution do you propose to solve the healthcare problem in America given the state of your government for the last number of decades, and is it really a peaceful revolution if thousands are administratively killed in the process? And is that better or worse than killing a few people in the streets who have amassed obscene levels of wealth by promoting those deaths to make that happen a little faster, whether that be due to legislation or sudden policy reversals due to newfound altruism?
There are no easy answers in morality. This is why philosophers have written so many books about it.
You keep acting like I said the majority think something so they must be right. Yes, I think if you were living in those examples that you should take a good look at why you believe differently than the majority and be able to defend it. No, I don’t think, even in those situations, spouting off on people disagreeing with you without giving an adequate defense of your position and merely that they’re hating because of your differing position is useful and is going to convince someone of your stance.
And I didn’t say it did. But when a bunch of people say you’re doing something shitty, it isn’t a bad idea to take a few moments and ask, “Am I?” And coming back at them for saying it is never a good look, even if you’re right.
How is pointing out that Healthcare United had the highest claim rejection rate in America, known for its profit-based healthcare system, political assassination? “They’re making me look bad by pointing out the things I say, do, and believe!”
No. I downvoted because I believe you’re wrong. I said if you get piles of downvotes, maybe you should engage in some self-reflection, because maybe you’re wrong. I never said you’re wrong, and this is one of those areas that isn’t black and white, so assigning right and wrong is only reasonable to leave as a personal choice. That said, I also think it’s very wrong to put forward your opinion and then be offended when others do the same, whether it be through comments or up/downvotes.
I rarely downvote, and even more rarely downvote and comment, but I can assure you that downvote was wholly organic. Perhaps if you feel like you’re brigade all the time, you should engage in some self-reflection.
I don’t have a problem with them changing the theme. I have a huge problem with them not allowing me to change it back, especially when it serves no practical purpose (other than, “sign up for our Windows <insert version here> certification!”). Now, I have no right to require them to do it, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t a shitty move on their part, and don’t pretend it isn’t.
Even solids are mostly nothing. This is why neutron stars are so dense - there is a lot less nothing between the neutrons, largely due to gravity.
Here’s another way to think about it. A gas is like a bunch of balls bouncing around a room, hitting the walls and occasionally each other. A solid is like a ball pit, but the balls are vibrating. There is still a lot of bouncing, but most of themstay together.
That, and they confused “Window Manager” and OS. There were third-party apps to make Win8 look like Win7, don’t tell me they couldn’t have included the option in the OS.
WinXPSP3 was a mainstay for so long. Vista wasn’t going to take that crown.
A common fault is to believe only those who can do have the vision to see what should be done. Sometimes they’re even right. You can hear complaints of shortcomings or you can hear suggestions for how to improve a product. And, especially in a volunteer role, you can choose if you want to do it or not.
Printers always go brr.