Then you have ADHD. (Probably.) Stimulants tend to make ppl with ADHD feel like they’re slowing down, because it allows them to pay attention to just one thing instead of everything all at once (depending in the exact flavor of ADHD, anyways).
Then you have ADHD. (Probably.) Stimulants tend to make ppl with ADHD feel like they’re slowing down, because it allows them to pay attention to just one thing instead of everything all at once (depending in the exact flavor of ADHD, anyways).
Adderall is, uh, not a sedative.
What about using OneKey so that she mostly needs to worry about remembering a PIN? It looks like you can set it up to automatically open your password manager. Might also need to synch her browsers.
As an added bonus, she would have to hold on to the key without losing it, because if she lost it, she’s effectively locked out of accounts forever.
Hit up and look for weight lifting exercises that target back muscles specifically. For lower back (erector spinae), thing like weighted hyperextensions are going to target it specifically. I would suggest doing about 12 weeks where you start you back workout with basic compound lifts–deadlifts, squats, bent over barbell rows–and progress to more isolating lifts like hyperextensions at the end of the workout. I would suggest doing that 12 weeks with just 1-2 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise, with rests of 30-90 seconds between sets and exercises; that will get your body ready to progress to more sets at higher weight and reduced repetitions. And yes, you need to change you workout every 3-4 months or so; that’s a basic principle of periodization. Changing your workout will mean more or fewer sets, with lower or higher numbers of repetitions, and different weight. In general, you’ll do a few sets of high repetitions with lower weights, and more sets of low repetitions with higher weights.
Also, don’t forget to do abdominals; those are important stabilizing your back.
For cardio, rowing is going to be your go-to choice for a strong back.
I would strongly suggest getting a personal trainer for a few sessions specifically to work on your form for squats, deadlifts, etc. If you do that though, be very, very firm with them that the only thing you want is direction on form; PTs will have a strong tendency to try and sign you up for months or years of training that may or may not help with your specific goals. Look for trainers with ACSM or NSCA certifications only (most other certs are barely worth the paper they’re printed on), ans a BS in kinesiology or exercise science.
I’m officially in the 99th+ percentile, but IIRC your score gets less accurate the farther you deviate from the mean. And a high reasoning ability is absolutely no predictor of success in life.
Plus, I feel like a douchebag when I say shit like, “oh, my IQ is 140…” as if that’s some kind of achievement or worth something all on it’s own.
Call my parents and my very few friends and let them know, and make sure that they understood how much they’d meant to me. Then I’d spend the rest of my time with my partner, making sure that I’d tied up loose ends, gave them full access to all my accounts so that they didn’t get nasty surprises after my death, and then just talk to them.
Honestly, according to IQ tests, I’m already in the 95th+ percentile for intelligence. I’m also on the autism spectrum, and just got diagnosed with severe ADHD late last year. I’ve accomplished fuck-all by being smart, and it’s mostly made me depressed. I’d pick being slightly dumb, but hot.
IDK; my partner has met ppl that have become very close friends at their workplace. I’ve become more and more isolated as I’ve worked as an adult, to the point where I have zero close friends.
I hope to fix that this year though; I’ll be trying to get my handgun and rifle instructor cert so I can work with the Pink Pistols and Operation Blazing Sword, and connect with my local SRA chapter. E.g., try to do something good in my community, and also meet people.
I knew a guy–Ola Bini–that fled the US, and emigrated to Ecuador, because he was afraid that he was going to be targeted by the US gov’t. I think he made it less than two years in Ecuador before he was arrested for ‘hacking’ Ecuador gov’t computers; he was jailed during the entire judicial process, almost a decade, before all the charges were dropped, and he was released and deported to Sweden. Best guess is that despite not having a extradition treaty with the US, the US still put a ton of pressure on Ecuador to detain him. (Maybe he actually committed crimes? IDK, it’s possible, but all charges being dropped after all that time in jail without a trial seems iffy. )
Point is, there aren’t a lot of places you can go if the US wants to fuck your life. Russia and China are the best options, and both are not great.
From what i can find, it seems like the spelling is pretty arbitrary, like much spelling in English.. While there are certainly articles claiming that it’s always Irish whisky, without an e, some very old Irish distilleries use the older/other spelling. It’s a matter of law in Scotland–without the e–and seems to be largely grammatical inertia otherwise.
English is weird.
people do not quit jobs
Bullshit. I’ve quit jobs before. like the job I had at a veneer mill. It was boring me to tears, was so loud that ear-pro was mandatory–about 110dB, IIRC–and I was spending about an hour each day digging splinters out of my hands. (Couldn’t wear gloves b/c they didn’t have the dexterity needed for picking up a single sheet of veneer without breaking it.) I don’t think I even saw my manager more than a few times in the brief period i worked there.
Is that the way whiskey is advertised? Huh. I don’t see commercials anymore, so IDK.
I drink single-malt Scottish whiskey occasionally because I enjoy the flavors. Same with most bourbons and ryes. But Kentucky whiskey? Bleah. Sadly, I am poorer than my preferences.
I quit flying (domestically, at least) over the x-rays and TSA bullshit. I’m driving 13 hours today in order to avoid that particular security theater.
About 50/50. SCOTUS has already ruled that the 3rd section of the 14th amendment to the US constitution doesn’t mean what it plainly says, so there’s no real hope that they’d uphold the 22nd.
The only reason I place it that low is because he’s ripe for a fatal heart attack or stroke.