Yeah, that’s a kde thing, so I doubt it would be very different than neon.
I’m quite happy with Fedora. It has kde support, many apps (especially with rpmfusion), and is quite stable because it is still a 6 month ish major release schedule. Wobbly windows, kde connect, and krunnuer will definitely work. Good customization is subjective, and honestly I consider c/unixporn to be weird but cool wizardry, but I’m happy with it. One thing to consider is if you have a newer amd CPU with an iGPU being used it will get slow and crash every now and then (few months). It’s a bug in the linux kernel starting around 6.10.
Yes, although if you take it from your own streaming or something there may be watermarks to identify you. If you just repost from clearweb torrents you’ll be fine.