One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
One of my best friends was a dude from Philadelphia who was a republican who became friends with the mortal enemy of the republican party
He became friends with the concept of education?
Buddy, this is a pathetic coping mechanism. You want so badly to believe they are miserable, because you just can’t fathom that life would be so unfair as to make them happy.
As the lone liberal in a large family of conservatives, let me tell you, they’re not miserable. My family group chat has been filled with happy vacation photos, play date arrangements for kids, jokes, and laughter.
The truth is, most conservatives don’t actually care about “sticking it to the libs”; they just don’t give a shit at all. They don’t listen to the news, they don’t talk about politics, they don’t have any significant worries. They go to their straight, white, Christian churches; talk to their straight, white, Christian friends; and discuss how great their straight, white, Christian families are.
Of course they have fear and hatred of anything that isn’t straight, white, or Christian; but that by no means makes them unhappy. They live in their bubbles, and inside their bubble, everything is nice and perfect. It’s those filthy liberals, who were so cruel as to occasionally make them look outside of their bubble, that were the real problem. And now that they’re out of office and they never have to leave or look outside their bubbles again, everything is once again perfect. Just perfect.
It’s absolutely the case here. It’s the retailers buying from them that have to pay the tariffs, not the manufacturer. So they’re not increasing costs to make up for the tariffs, they’re just increasing costs that retailers will have to pay ON TOP OF the extra they’re already having to pay for the tariffs.
Its like a company trying to justify increasing the cost of their goods just because the sales tax on their goods went up. The company’s profits are unchanged by the tax increase, it’s just the consumer who’s getting screwed twice.
I bought Black Flag a few years ago during a steam sale because I heard it was good, but never got around to playing it.
Last week I decided to finally give it a try. Got it downloaded, only to be asked to sign in with my UPlay account. Ok, pain in the ass, but whatever. Got my password reset and entered it in and then… Nothing. Login window closes, game does not launch.
I scoured the internet looking for a solution and found a ton of people with the same issue. I also found many reported “fixes” that did not work for me, nor for anyone else judging by the numerous replies to each of them saying the “fixes” did nothing.
So cool, and since I bought it years ago, it’s not like I can refund it. Guess I bought a game I won’t ever be able to play unless I decide to pirate it. Ironic. Thanks Ubisoft!
It had a somewhat interesting combat system for an MMO, but there were a TON of glaring gameplay and balance issues that essentially guaranteed the game would be dead after a month or two.
No, they used Telegram because they’re idiots and don’t understand privacy.
30 years of watching progressive movements flounder and civil action lead to absolutely zero substantial changes has given me a defeatist attitude. What good is getting mad? It’s not like it will change anything.
You really need to keep Brave New World in there.
As nice as it was to make the brush strokes with the wiimote, there were some glaring gameplay issues with the Wii version. The biggest was definitely basic attacks. You attacked by jiggling the wiimote, but the damn thing was so finicky that only 1 of the 3 weapon types could be used reliably. The recognition of brush strokes was also extremely difficult. You couldn’t do slow strokes, and it was really bad at recognizing complex patterns. It wasn’t so much a problem when just doing simple strokes in the early game, but some of the more advanced ones were downright impossible.
So folks have already explained the stick, but you’re actually somewhat close to one of the ways you can sort of bend the rules of FTL, at least when it comes to a group of photons.
Instead of a stick, imagine a laser on earth pointed at one edge of the moon. Now suddenly shift the laser to the other side of the moon. What happens to the laser point on the moon’s surface?
Well, it still takes light speed (1.3 seconds to the moon) for the movement to take effect, but once it starts, the “point” will “travel” to the other side faster than light. It’s not the same photons; and if you could trace the path of the laser, you’d find that the photons space out so much that there are gaps like a dotted line; but if you had a set of sensors on each side of the moon set up to detect the laser, they would find that the time between the first and second sensor detecting the beam would be faster than what light speed would typically allow.
It’s not exactly practical, and it’s such an edge case that I doubt we can find a good way to use it, but yeah; FTL through arc lengths can kind of be a thing. At least if you tilt your head and squint funny at it.
Do you scratch surfaces with regular mice?
It makes me sad that so few games utilized the potential of the WiiU gamepad. There was this game called Zombie U that managed to really show how incredible it could be. There was a mode where players would be in a zombie wave survival arena except 1 player would instead be controlling the spawns via a map on the gamepad. They could see where the other players were, where the weak spots were, and had their own progression tree to unlock better zombies.
You don’t have to have a feeling. The data is right there.
Looks like it was 43k active users at the lowest and 46k active users at the highest. That’s almost a whole 7%. So if that’s your definition of a “lot more activity” then sure!
Can’t wait for all the pictures of these events with half a dozen people standing around looking lost.
Isn’t not providing accessibility options illegal and leaves you open to lawsuits?
Oh what am I saying? I forgot that laws don’t exist for the rich anymore.
deleted by creator
Please find me a statement he made saying it was just a harmless wave, because unless I missed something recently, he has not said anything of the sort. He hasn’t denied making the salute. He hasn’t claimed he meant something else. He hasn’t said that it was a lie or a conspiracy. A lot of groups and the media have made those claims for him, but Musk has yet to deny anything.
That’s the whole point of OP’s post. Musk himself has not made any statement contradicting the Nazi narrative.
Health potions are now blue and mana potions are red.
People hate whenever Brave is mentioned… But when it comes to privacy, I have not regretted my decision to use it