Although some feelings are malleable through thinking, but yeah, others come from (and can only be worked by) different places (including the health of our body).
Although some feelings are malleable through thinking, but yeah, others come from (and can only be worked by) different places (including the health of our body).
I am not a better human being, but I’m combating my irritability one cause at a time. Firstly, treating physical conditions that cause irritability (as much as money has let me): hormonal issues, sleeping issues, etc. Secondly, addressing psychological and psychiatric problems (I had to learn a lot of these topics because I wasn’t able to afford specialists all the time and it was an interest of mine anyway). Finally, fixing external or environmental causes, e.g. working on changing toxic relationships.
It is still a work in progress, but my life is getting calmer and calmer as I am ticking the boxes in that list. At some point, you get to a place where you can search for your own answers, existentially speaking, and that also helps. Here I mean exploring philosophy and your own ideas; your feelings, your passions, etc.
Be patient. Be compassionate with yourself (and others).
You reminded me of something I think no one has mentioned yet:
From: Principle of charity.
Applying this, I think we can interpret the *independent thinking" not as thinking without conditioning factors but as what is known as “critical thinking”.