Unfortunately, farmers markets are rarely open in the evening. Actually that is a bit of a business opportunity…
Unfortunately, farmers markets are rarely open in the evening. Actually that is a bit of a business opportunity…
Late comment, by have you considered that psychology will always messy, because humans are complicated?
I am not arguing that historically, it was always right. Science is done by humans, and as you said, humans may be biased, lazy, or maybe just plain corrupt or racist. That does not invalidate the method. A car mechanic can break your tires during maintenance. That doesn’t mean you should never have your car checked. Especially since you are the car, trying to fix itself.
Also, what you describe is a perfect example of the prisoner’s dilemma. The prisoner’s dilemma is not a rule or natural law, not even a prediction. It is a thought experiment, to reduce many complex problems to a simple one. You both trusted each other, so you both chose to play in a certain way. Congrats, just like the thought experiment predicted.
Besides, what is the alternative to trying to put some scientific method into it? Voodoo and evil spirits?
This. There is a reason why China has been censoring the internet so much, and why Russia and to a lesser degree Türkiye started doing it as well. And why two of the three most powerful people in the US apart from Trump control like 2/3 of all social media.
First, thanks for actually following up!
About the actual statement:
The U.S. State Department’s Office of the Legal Advisor concluded earlier this year that China’s mass imprisonment and forced labor of ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang amounts to crimes against humanity—but there was insufficient evidence to prove genocide
I believe that “technically, we cannot prove it’s genocide, just crimes against humanity” is still a pretty clear and bold statement.
Huh. Care to link the last one?
Yeah, sure. Just because one team is bad doesn’t mean the other is good. There is a lot of poverty, exploitation and general shit happening “there”.
What the fuck, for real?