You did very well to check and to share the info back with us. Thx.
I should have known better than to use the word ‘daemon’, knowing its etymology and knowing what I meant to say. My poor choice of spelling was mainly caused both by my lacking English (and by me taking a lazy shortcut in my head), and by me not reaching for the Webster or the Collins dictionaries that constantly sit on my desk at arm’s reach, for that very purpose, right next to my French dictionaries. I’m really too lazy.
It’s only an opportunity to remember that we’re people, with many flaws. And that’s true for every single one of us. No exception.
My approach is that if a message is not addressed to me and if I have nothing nice to say (or if I feel like being judgmental, like you said), I’d rather say nothing. And if the message is addressed to me, well, it’s more or less the same: if I have nothing positive to say, I will not reply and ignore it. If the person insists a little, I will say ‘sure, thx for sharing your opinion’. If they insist more, I will block them.
I don’t worry about people disagreeing with me. In fact, I quite appreciate diverging opinions as they can be opportunities to learn new things and to revise my own certainties. But I also don’t care at all about alienating anyone that I would consider a pain because I don’t think there is much (new) to learn from that kind of pain.