Now this is indeed great news
A wanderer trying to explore the FediVerse
Now this is indeed great news
How do you do it ?
I still can’t wrap my head around why SystemD has become the defacto standard & why aren’t devs trying out OTHER init-systems
Shouldn’t it be Gentoo or Arch ?
Yup & honestly that should be changed
So basically Rapture
We sorely need a Truely FOSS/Libre Alternative to GrayJay (*Preferably under an AGPL Licence) So to get the ball rolling, **What does GrayJay have that FOSS alternatives like let’s say NewPipe doesn’t" ?
People simply just don’t like men
So… XMPP by itself Doesn’t have Bridging then ?
So… XMPP has Bridging capabilities, apparently ? Then that’s amazing
What about Bridging ? (That’s a great feature for a chat-technology to have & I’m gonna defend this to the death)
Why Avoid Matrix ?
Yeah now we’ll have to suffer INC’s tyranny, yet again, will India ever get a good politcal party ?
No it isn’t, otherwise everyone would be doing it & it is only “cheap” in 1st-world countries
Ok so when will you bring out the Pitchforks ?
Is systemD open source ?