Going by a rule book isn’t hard for me but I’d like to be notified if some things are exceptions (Ive been a mod before in a different setting and “exceptions to the rule” that weren’t stated hindered my performance by me “over moderating”)
I’ve lurked and made my own posts as well so my activity is considerable, I also have learned some stuff here as well as from private trackers I am a part of.
My knowledge is bits of python for scripts/scrapers, Emulation for switch + 3DS homebrew, DeDRMing, IRC setup and use, making + using torrents, private trackers, some other stuffs n how to download and boot up pirated games + books. I am a quick learner and don’t mind working on something to figure it out.
Shout out to HakitaDev for this banger btw;
“You should support indies if you can, but culture shouldn’t exist only for those who can afford it.”
It sums up my idea of piracy.
My timezone is EST :P
im seeding fitgirl n its fine. I use deluge