“You should have kept the fish!!!”
“You should have kept the fish!!!”
Lol. That’s true! There are DVD menu games with higher approval ratings than some CD-I games.
Oh no! Anyway…
There’s a timeline where I’m not automatically alarmed by something just because Elon supports it.
This isn’t that timeline. Where’s the grift?
I’m not old. Lalalala. I can’t hear you. But I’m not old, or anything.
Why is OpenGL considered an API?
An API is a promise - make these calls, get these kinds of results. An API often has more than one library that implements it. At minimum, there may be completely different code for different operating systems. At best, there may be completely separate vendors that implement identical APIs (Kubertnetes, and the Open Container Initiative, for examples).
Why is it necessary to use other libraries like GLAD, freeGLUT or GLFW to interface with OpenGL?
I don’t know.
where you install these packages that get used like libraries? What’s the difference?
Almost all packages are composed of libraries. Plenty of libraries lack packages. Packaging and delivering software is an entire field of study. As an expert at packaging and delivering software, I sometimes forget that a library I love still lacks a decent package. So I do my best to contribute a package, when I see a need.
Wow. I’ve enjoyed all of your art, and this piece feels like it comes from a new level of confidence. There’s a boldness here that works well with your evolving style. Thank you again for sharing here.
Count me in.
Is flying too risky for me?
Sounds lile “Yes.”
I’m going to be flying over the ocean most of the flight, and all my Epi Pens do is give me an extra 20 or so minutes to get to the hospital.
I hear you saying that if the airline or a random passenger screws up, you get to die horribly.
I wouldn’t risk it.
I want to encourage you that you have every right to say “that doesn’t feel safe” rather than risk it.
You don’t have to risk it if you don’t want to.
I generally don’t take any “I might die horribly” risks, myself, when I can avoid them.
Yeah. It’ll be a huge time saver. I understand they think they can have it having whole technology holy wars with itself soon, while the rest of us relax.
Nice. I’ve been there, and changing just a bit at a time has added up to my computing now being in a state I’m much happier with.
That would save a lot of time…
Open source projects aren’t doomed to lousy UX forever.
Shoves GNUImp behind a desk with a foot.
Just look at recent releases of Gnome and KDE. We can have nice things, it just takes time.
You’ve nailed it. That’s the key bit that organizations of all kinds are going to figure out.
Any profit goes back to employees and paying users.
You just described a normal non-profit, but doomed. Lol.
Organizational committment to remaining non-profit seems to be critical to the recipe.
I could live without the “guess which commands even work right now”, aspect of the original gameplay.
I don’t have the game patience I had back then.
It’s perfect.
We’re all fucked. I guess try to keep your personal information out of computers for awhile, and don’t drive on bridges or ride airplanes or elevators for awhile?
They look happy in both pictures.
Issue closed as resolved.
I’m using this from now on. Thanks.