“Guess I’m re-washing that load of laundry.”
“Guess I’m re-washing that load of laundry.”
When you’re growing up and most of your (and your cousins’) birthday parties are keggers because it’s nice out and the adults want to party… and it was a common occurrence to wake up on the weekend to have one or more people you may or may not know passed out in the living room… and you have to clear space on the kitchen table to eat breakfast without knocking over any cans, bottles, or ashtrays.
And then you’re older and find out about the other drugs that were being abused by various adults. And eventually siblings and cousins. And you think “man I’m glad I’m not like that.”
And then you’re yet older, at the end of your rope, learning to recognize your own mental illnesses, and seeing those indicators in others.
And then you’re even older and those adults start dying in their 50s and 60s, and some of the other adults are finally being self-reflective and open about what they were dealing with internally and it’s like a game of bingo and your card keeps “winning.”
I went back to my mother
I said I’m crazy ma, help me
She said, I know how it feels son
Cause it runs in the family
- The Who, The Real Me
And then you realize that the years the drugs and alcohol took off of their lives still applies to you, just in the form of chronic stress, anxiety, and depression. And, somehow, you feel some relief. You understand why they turned to substances. And so you sit through the funerals, listen to people say “it was too soon,” and say your goodbyes, knowing it won’t be long until next time. You know that one day it will be your turn. But in the meantime, there’s a hamster wheel that needs to spin because line go up. This is life. This is death. This is existence.
Tick tock.
5th grade teacher: Watch this short documentary on MLK and take notes.
Me: takes notes
Teacher: Now write an essay using your notes.
Me looking at my notes:
Things never improved.
There’s two types of bikes in 8: standard and crotch rocket (for lack of a better term). They even have different icons when picking your kart. The drift mechanics are reversed on the crotch rockets. As far as I know this is intentional. Those feel backwards to me — if the standard karts feel backwards to you, I totally get it. It’s like being forced to use non/inverted camera controls, whichever is opposite to your preference.
I’ve found it very hard to go back to the older MK games after playing 8. Everything just feels right.
A friend tried to get me to sign up in the early boom days. “It’s like MySpace, but for adults!” Yeah, that’s not the selling point you seem to think it is.
tips cap Much obliged!
Wait… is this a real physical book? I’ve had this picture for awhile but I thought it was one of those “your childhood ruined” type deals:
we had condo buildings collapsing and people dying WITH regulations.
Further proof that regulations don’t work! The Invisible Sky Daddy Hand shalt self-correct! All is right with the world! Praise be unto The Market, may its blessed Line forever Go Up.
Now, let us prey.
Dumpster fire speedrun any%
I never learned how to properly shuffle cards that way. My hands just fail at the basic mechanics. Perhaps coincidentally, I would be mortified if something like that were done to the vast majority of the games in my collection. That ain’t no $2 Bicycle deck, mi amigo.
Text messages are faster IMO
If it’s someone that gets “the ceiling” often, sometimes I’ll switch it up by describing the type of ceiling. Or a light fixture. The sky. Squint and say, “I think it’s a spider.”
I think it’s a conspiracy to get us to click on a Reddit link.
My brain hurts just pondering the concept of such a shitstorm of tantrums.
Loud and clear. My collections are meticulously organized. My desk is a disaster area. My bedroom is dusty but clutter-free. The dining room looks like a hoarder house exploded.
The upshot to having severe depression on top of AuDHD is that none of it feels like it matters much anymore. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
When I feel like going to a party, I remember the noise, the lights, the people, and remember how stressful they are.
Yeah, but
tare they desperate and loaded?