but many website archives are slow to use and difficult to navigate because things like interactive elements and internal linking can sometimes be wonky.
Well, at least httrack does the relinking by itself. And i think wget’s mirror option too?
but many website archives are slow to use and difficult to navigate because things like interactive elements and internal linking can sometimes be wonky.
Well, at least httrack does the relinking by itself. And i think wget’s mirror option too?
Yeah, hosting it outside of US but by a US provider? Wait, how’d they manage that?
But they are better than humans at solving them.
Really free trade goes corrupt quickly.
That was one of my main reasons to move to Linux about 10 years ago; you couldn’t just replace that shitty desktop of Windows 7 with a better one (well, there was Blackbox, a Openbox fork).
Btw, use pipx to install software, pip is for libraries only.
This report links to a report links to a…
Yeah, but that one has issues with exhaustion, needs breaks now and then… oh, wait, neurons need that too.
All graphics cards interface with BIOS/UEFI when the system initializes
I mean, yes, but that’s the Bios/uefi asking “what type of hardware are you, what are your capabilities, etc” and not the other way around.
Uh oh, trump will declare RiscV and by extension Open Source/Hardware, as the enemy soon.
It needed Xposed framework and worked only on some devices, which are not available anymore.
Vaccinations are pretty much your choice.
Huh? Only DE thing not being stable for me was xfce Thunar being crashy for a while. There are unstalbe DE?
Yeah and that’s why it’s one of the basics of the basics you learn as a software developer that you shouldn’t sniff the useragent, because it’s unreliable and causes issues. Yet all big webpages (especially those pretending to be a software) do it, causing issues. Even just trimming the useragent string (xorigin.trimming.policy) makes “advanced services” like a webshop unusable.
Just don’t do useragent sniffing, do feature detection instead.
But captchas have now proven useless, since bots are better at solving them now than humans?
So make useragent sniffing useless by all being Chrome?
Funnily enough, some webpages work better if you block webgl and set the user agent to Lynx or Dillo.
Meanwhile i’m running my desktop at 20 fps, because i can run heavier games and see no difference.
Magnetized needle and a steady hand.