If they’re close friends and family I definitely expect them to remember. It’s a good indicator of who I can trust in my life as well, those who usually remember just also happen to be on the trustworthy list.
If they’re close friends and family I definitely expect them to remember. It’s a good indicator of who I can trust in my life as well, those who usually remember just also happen to be on the trustworthy list.
T rex just for the life expectancy. I wouldn’t appreciate the media attention though, the tarantula would absolutely go unnoticed… Although… Thinking about it… Maybe Trex gets shot immediately.
I need more context information to give a proper answer.
Okay we need to start that crowdfunding, these are the changes science needs to see today
Eyeglasses counts?
A preference for classical music.
I never associated billiards with particularly intelligent people tropes. Chess and books, yeah they get the association.
No smell in dreams for myself but yes sounds, although if being honest most the times the sounds are from voices ( not always).
Visuals are always there, and I don’t say sight because I sometimes see my dreams in 3rd person.
I’ve experienced touch but it’s selective, often more some kind of proprioception while I fall, fly, swim etc.
I’ve tasted things in dreams though, very few times but it’s there.
For me it correlates so yes. I’m not saying one is necessarily caused by the other.
Conversely, I set up birthday reminders for the people I care about.