What is a discordian?
An almost 30 Software Dev that enjoys gaming, woodworking, electronics and plenty of other hobbies. Too many hobbies.
What is a discordian?
That’s understandable, i wouldn’t knock anyone from boycotting for tencent reasons
About 15 years ago with I was about 17-18 I hooked my megadrive up to a projector. Had to create my own cable for it because i didn’t have an AV cable. Used a large paper clip for the prongs to stick them into the right holes in the AV port. Only needed two of them.
I would then project Sonic on the side of my house in the late evening and played whilst laying on a sun lounger. Can imagine that looked weird to any passerby’s.
PS1 3d is my favourite early 3d. I think it’s so charming. Some absolute bangers on the ps1 too
PlayStation is one of my favourites but it also comes down to that shade of grey being my absolute favourite shade of grey. And the OG pre-dualshock/analog potentially being my favourite shape of controller too. I have a modded Bluetooth one but sadly there’s not too many modern games (outside of fighters) that don’t need both the dpad and analog.
I also love the Gameboy color’s shape. As an adult it’s great for one handed gaming for rpgs.
That’s hilarious haha, that has to be the best autocorrect from my swipe typing I’ve seen yet. I’ll have to figure out what was meant to actually go there now (I’ll stick it in an edit at the end though cause that is too funny to remove)
Alan wake 2 had massive critical acclaim what you on about and they’re now in a financial situation to publish they’re own games because of it.
And their store definitely runs better than steam and gog. Gog is the worst hanging most of the time with it often losing its penis place when going back to the previous page, and the latter is often the same on steam. Even big picture mode struggles with the steam store some times.
Correction: previous place, not penis place
We would have never gotten the likes of Alan wake 2 if not for epics money though, which also paved the way for remedy to become more independent for future releases. I’d rather have an exclusive then nothing at all.
It’s also arguable whether or not square would’ve ported kingdom hearts to pc if not for epic paying for it as well. Which in turn allowed them to put it on steam later because the game had already been made to work for pc.
Other than how they’ve handled rocket league and harmonix, epic have done nothing but good for the pc space in my opinion. Even if a launcher is shitty, a launcher is just a launcher and at least their store runs better than gog or steams.
What did they do to the gaming community? Make you not use just one platform, giving that platform a de-facto monopoly?
Even though it only folds twice
I hate it so much, even when I NEED to go there for help and support, I know I’m likely the tenth person to ask the same question. I honestly don’t know why so many people love this way of support, just document it!
I never played it properly as a kid but I had a demo that I used to play all the time. I never even finished the demo as a kid. To me the world just felt so mysterious and massive.
Trackmania is probably THE example because of it’s deterministic physics that will always act the same way given the inputs are the same.
Road Trip Adventure
It can be hard to find full 4k atmos versions online in my opinion. But usual benefits are the same for any physical collection. Actually having something tangible you can look at and touch and know you’ll always have as long as you look after it and disc rot doesn’t come for it before your own demise.
Toy Story 2
Final Fantasy VII
Kingsley’s Adventure
Gran Turismo 2
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Rugrats: Search For Reptar
Tekken 3
Rayman 2
R4 Ridge Racer
Soul Blade
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Final Fantasy Tactics
Spyro The Dragon
Digimon World 2003
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3
Tomb Raider 3
Guardians Crusade
Metal Gear Solid
Crash Team Racing
Dead Or Alive
Ape Escape
Mega Man Legends
I know you said you didn’t want a full list but thought it’d be an interesting exercise for me to do one anyway. If these were the only PS1 games I could play, I’d still be very happy with few that I’d truly miss that’s not on here (which would mostly be games from series that I put here, spyro etc.)
Blurays are still way better than streaming though, especially the UHD ones. Bitrate is always way higher and the audio is noticeably crisper in my opinion.
I still regularly buy Blu rays, but it has to be for a specific kind of film or one of my favourites.
Hey just letting you know, I got your message, I’ve just not had any time to find exactly where I put the boards yet it’s been a busy time. I’ve kept your message unread as a daily reminder though
So the past of the internet?
Maybe if they still had the infrastructure and personnel to design, develop and manufacture a phone