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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • There used to be a pothole in front of my house that always came back. It was at a low spot and sent waves of salty runoff into my yard in the winter every time someone drove through it.

    During Covid I while I was working from home, I watched as some workers rolled up in a pickup truck, hopped out of the bed with two 5-gallon buckets of cold patch, and just dumped it into the puddle that was the pothole, loosely spread it around with a rake, hopped back in the truck and left. All within like 2 minutes. A few days later. Someone must have come by to actually top it off and tamp it down, but within days if not hours my yard and the sidewalk were full of little black pebble that had been splashed out.

  • I feel i am escaping this with only 1 bingo based on technicalities and coping mechanisms…

    • the lost keys were in my pocket because my hands re full…
    • I’m not awake and productive at 2 am anymore because sleep deprivation is killing me. So now I’m awake and unproductive.
    • I don’t do daily lists, i do task specific breakdowns; but i do have an alarm to remind me to eat lunch.
    • password manager👌
    • thermal mugs 👌

  • No. And here’s why:


    The closest he has come to a denial, so far as I can find over 48 hours after he made the gesture, is a deflective tweet mocking the people who recognized the link to Nazis as being uncreative.

    This means one of two things: a. He doesn’t care that it is being construed as a Nazi salute. OR
    b. He wants it to be construed as a Nazi salute.

    These two options very much amount to the same thing.

    We will never know what exactly was going through his mind at the moment he made the motion. Regardless, even if Musk had somehow not initially intended the gesture to be a Nazi salute, he has transformed it into one by promoting that interpretation.

  • I recently did something like this….

    I was diagnosed as a young child. I don’t remember an assessment and was never medicated. The coping mechanisms I was taught growing up were not contextualized as “for ADHD” they were just “the way things had to be done to get things done” As I grew into adulthood, I chocked up the behavioral differences to just the way different folks from different families learn to do things differently. Living as an normie, I started to question/forget my diagnosis.

    So there I am, rediscovering that I might have ADHD as an adult from memes on the internet. When I mentioned it to my folks my mum emphatically reminded me that I absolutely had an official diagnosis X0 some years ago.